(A)   BMP selection and application shall be in accordance with guidance provided in the BMP handbooks and design manuals published by DEP; in selecting the appropriate BMPs or combinations thereof, the land developer shall consider the following:
      (1)   Total contributing area;
      (2)   Permeability and infiltration rate of the site soils;
      (3)   Slope and depth to bedrock;
      (4)   Seasonal high water table;
      (5)   Proximity to building foundations and well heads;
      (6)   Erodibility of soils; and
      (7)   Land availability and configuration of the topography.
   (B)   The following additional factors should be considered when evaluating the suitability of the BMPs used to control water quality at a given development site:
      (1)   Peak discharge and required volume control;
      (2)   Streambank erosion;
      (3)   Efficiency of the BMPs to mitigate potential water quality problems;
      (4)   The volume of runoff that will be effectively treated;
      (5)   The nature of the pollutant(s) being removed;
      (6)   Maintenance requirements;
      (7)   Recreation value; and
      (8)   Enhancement of aesthetics and property values.
(Ord. 4-2011, passed 10-8-2011)