It shall be the duty of the owner of all residential establishments, rented or otherwise occupied by said owner and of all establishments containing multi-family rental housing property with four or more units and commercial, municipal and institutional establishments to contract the services of a hauler to collect any municipal waste and other refuse material (on at least a weekly basis) resulting from the operation of any such establishment unless said establishment, by some other means, disposes of the same at a duly approved municipal waste facility or a duly approved recycling processing facility on a regular basis, retaining as proof thereof, at a minimum, monthly or more frequent disposal receipts from such a facility, and all such establishments shall prepare said materials as follows.
   (A)   All municipal waste and/or material shall be drained of liquid insofar as practical and shall be placed in sanitary residential containers made of nonabsorbent material. Any type of residential container shall be permitted, but all owners of residential establishments shall assure that such residential containers are capable of keeping waste and/or material contained, and such owner shall be responsible for the failure of any such residential container to do so, whether or not the failure was caused by rusting, tearing or other deterioration of the container itself or by animals, weather or any other cause.
   (B)   Cans shall be furnished and kept clean by the occupant and shall be replaced by the occupant when no longer in satisfactory condition.
   (C)   All municipal waste which cannot be disposed of in containers shall be assembled, boxed or bundled separately in such a way that it can be handled conveniently and will not be disseminated by wind or otherwise, while awaiting collection.
   (D)   All refuse except bulky waste shall be of units and weight such as can be handled by one person and shall be placed in containers or piled and assembled in such a way as to facilitate collection.
   (E)   All containers shall be kept on the resident’s property until it is placed for collection as in § 51.04.
   (F)   (1)   Establishments containing multi-family rental housing property with four or more units and commercial, municipal and institutional establishments shall place all municipal waste emanating from said establishments in containers made from rust-resistant material of sufficient size and strength to fully accommodate all such municipal waste and of such design to prevent animals from gaining access to such waste.
      (2)   Said containers kept at such establishments shall be kept clean and be replaced when needed by the occupants, owners, landlords and/or agents of such persons.
   (G)   Construction and/or demolition waste must be placed in a rigid container, roll off or solid waste vehicle and may not be stored on the ground, next to structures and/or public rights-of-way.
   (H)   In addition to other burning prohibitions designated by state law or local ordinances or regulations, no recyclable material or yard waste may be burned in open fires or other outdoor burning devices.
(Ord. 3-2015, passed 8-6-2015)  Penalty, see § 51.99