§ 2-6.101 GENERAL.
   (A)   Any elected officer, candidate, committee, or other person required to file statements, reports, or other documents (“Statements”) as required by Chapter 4 of the Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 84100 et seq.) may file such Statements using the City Clerk’s online system according to procedures established by the City Clerk. These procedures shall ensure that the online system complies with the requirements set forth in Cal. Gov’t Code § 84615. From and after September 1, 2020, elected officers, candidates, and committees required to file Statements must file such Statements using the City Clerk’s online system, unless exempt from the requirement to file online pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 84615(a) because the officer, candidate, or committee receives less than $2,000 in contributions and makes less than $2,000 in expenditures in a calendar year.
   (B)   The online filing system shall ensure the integrity of the data transmitted and shall include safeguards against efforts to tamper with, manipulate, alter, or subvert the data.
   (C)   The online filing system shall only accept a filing in the standardized record format that is developed by the California Secretary of State pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 84602(a)(2) and that is compatible with the Secretary of State’s system for receiving an online or electronic filing.
   (D)   The online filing system shall include a procedure for filers to comply with the requirement that they sign statements and reports under penalty of perjury pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 81004.
(Ord. 2174-C-S, passed 11-12-19)