It shall be the responsibility of the massage establishment registrant who has employed or subcontracted any person acting or purporting to act as a massage therapist, the employer of contractor of any person acting or purporting to act as a massage therapist, or anyone operating a massage establishment to ensure that all massage therapists comply with the requirements of this chapter and all laws. The massage establishment registrant or operator of a massage establishment shall be held responsible for the conduct of all persons on the premises that engage in providing the service of massage therapy. Any act or omission of the holder of the massage establishment registration or the operator of the massage establishment shall be deemed an act or omission of the holder of the massage establishment registration for the purposes of determining whether any license or registration may be revoked, suspended, or denied. Proof of knowledge of any violation of this section shall not be required for purposes of suspension, revocation, or denial of such registration or license.
(Ord. 2152-C-S, passed 9-11-18)