(A)   Implementation. The City Manager, or his or her designee, is responsible for all purchasing not specifically reserved to the City Council. Implementation may include the promulgation of more detailed administrative procedures. The City Manager's purchasing authority includes the transfer of surplus or unused supplies and equipment to departments as needed and the sale or disposal of such supplies and equipment which are no longer suitable for city use.
   (B)   Appeals. Any actual or prospective bidder or contractor who has a grievance in connection with any city solicitation or award of contract may protest in writing to the Finance Director within five working days after the protestor knows or should have known of the facts supporting the protest. If the protest is not resolved, the bidder may appeal the Director's decision to the City Manager. The City Manager's decision is final, except for contracts which are awarded by the City Council. The parties will endeavor to have any protest and appeal resolved within 14 working days. This appeals provision supersedes that set forth in Chapter 4 of Title 1 of the Antioch Municipal Code.
(Ord. 2044-C-S, passed 11-9-10)