§ 5-12.21 STANDS.
   (A)   Taxicab or rent car stands. Permits may be issued to the permittee hereunder allowing such vehicles, while awaiting employment, to stand in certain designated places upon the public street.
   (B)   Location. The Chief of Police, together with the Director of Community Development, may recommend in writing, for approval by the Council, stands to be occupied by certain licensed taxicab or rental car businesses only.
   (C)   Annual fees. An annual fee in an amount to be determined by resolution, payable pursuant to § 5-12.04 of this chapter, shall be assessed for each taxicab or rent car stand.
   (D)   Consent of property owners. Before such stands are designated and approved by the Council, the written consent of the tenant or lessee of the ground floor, or portion of the ground floor, fronting the space where such stand is to be located shall be first obtained. In the event the ground floor is not occupied by a tenant or lessee, the written consent of the owner of the building fronting the space where such stand is to be located shall first be obtained.
   (E)   Number of vehicles permitted. The Council shall designate the number of taxicabs which shall be allowed to stand at any one time at any of the places designated and authorized.
('66 Code, § 5-12.21) (Ord. 315-C-S, passed 6-10-76)