The fees required by this chapter shall be imposed and collected at the time the building permit is issued, irrespective of whether a subdivision map has been approved prior to the adoption of this chapter. In cases where a building permit is not required, the payment shall be a condition precedent to the provision of water to the project by the city. Such fees shall be placed into an interest-bearing trust account, to be used for no other purpose. The City Manager and the Fire Chief of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District shall administratively adopt procedures for the transfer of the funds from the city to the Fire Protection District. Such fees shall not be considered city “proceeds of taxes” under Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State. The city shall retain 1% of the amount of the fees collected to reimburse itself for the cost of administering this chapter.
(‘66 Code, § 3-7.06) (Ord. 658-C-S, passed 1-29-87; Am. Ord. 2173-C-S, passed 10-8-19)