§ 3-1-103. Complaints against members.
   (a)   Standards of conduct. Members of the Board of Appeals are expected to be diligent, industrious, and judicious and participate in all appeals unless there is good cause for their absence. Board members may not neglect their duties, engage in misconduct, or attempt to perform their duties while impaired by the use of alcohol or controlled dangerous substances. They shall avoid actions that may embarrass or discredit the Board in the eyes of the public and may not engage in activities that may have the appearance of impropriety. They may not engage in behavior that may affect the Board's efficient operation.
   (b)   Affidavit. A person may file an affidavit with the Clerk to the Board of Appeals charging a member of the Board with a violation of this Code or of the Board's rules of practice and procedure. The contents of the affidavit and the fact that it has been filed may not be made public until a hearing has been scheduled before the County Council.
   (c)   Appointment of temporary Board members. If more than one Board member is the subject of an allegation, the Board may request the County Council to appoint temporary Board members to carry out the Board's responsibilities under the provisions of this section.
   (d)   Meeting to discuss allegation. The Chair or, if the Chair is a subject of an allegation, a Board member designated by a majority of the Board members not subjects of an allegation shall convene a confidential meeting of the Board to discuss the allegation.
   (e)   Referral to County Council. If, after the meeting, at least four Board members determine that there is a reasonable belief that there has been a violation, the Board shall refer the matter to the County Council for action.
   (f)   Remedies for violations. If, after a review of the facts presented by the Board, the County Council determines that there has been a violation, the County Council may reprimand the member, suspend the member from the Board, or remove the member from the Board.
(1985 Code, Art. 3, § 1-103) (Bill No. 78-92; Bill No. 10-98)