   1-8-101.   Manner of collection of amounts owed to the County.
   1-8-102.   Surety bonds.
   1-8-103.   Reward for theft of or damage to County property.
   1-8-104.   County boundary line with Calvert County.
   1-8-105.   Public-private partnerships.
§ 1-8-101. Manner of collection of amounts owed to the County.
   When an owner of real property is responsible to the County for the payment of a tax, fee, or other charge related to or arising out of the ownership or use of the real property, the amount shall be levied, collected, and enforced in the same manner as County real property taxes and have the same priority rights, bear the same interest and penalties, constitute a lien on the real property so assessed, and be treated the same as County real property taxes.
(Bill No. 71-16)
§ 1-8-102. Surety bonds.
   (a)   The Controller and the County Executive shall each be covered by a surety bond in an amount of at least $300,000 to ensure the faithful performance of their duties.
   (b)   All officers and employees of the County other than the Controller and the County Executive shall be covered collectively by surety bonds in an amount of at least $300,000 to ensure the faithful performance of their duties.
(1985 Code, Art. 2, § 1-104) (Bill No. 71-16)
Charter reference – § 1006.