Sec. 705. Formulation of capital budget and capital program.
   At such time or times as the Chief Administrative Officer may direct, each office, court, department, institution, board, commission, corporation or other agency of the County government shall submit to the Budget Officer for transmission to the Office of Planning and Zoning an itemized list of the capital projects which each agency proposes to undertake in the ensuing fiscal year and the next succeeding five fiscal years thereafter. The list may include capital projects that are proposed to be completely funded for two fiscal years as provided in Sections 706 and 709 of this Charter. After consideration by the Planning Advisory Board, the Planning and Zoning Officer shall transmit to the Budget Officer the list of projects recommended by said Board together with the Planning and Zoning Officer's recommendations on the projects to be undertaken, in the periods aforesaid and its estimates of the cost thereof. The Chief Administrative Officer with the assistance of the Budget Officer shall consider such recommendations with the other budget proposals and shall recommend to the County Executive, together with the current expense budget, a complete capital budget and capital program, including those projects that are proposed to be completely funded for two fiscal years. The County Executive may amend the capital budget and capital program proposals and shall cause to be prepared the County budget as set forth in Section 706 along with the County Executive’s budget message.
(Res. No. 50-88; Res. No. 30-22)