Sec. 535. General powers and duties.
   (a)   Delegation of Power to Administrative Hearing Officer for Reclassification of Property. The Administrative Hearing Officer shall be charged with the responsibility and duty of conducting public hearings on a petition filed for a change in or reclassification of the use to which a particular piece of property is subject according to the appropriate zoning map in effect at the time. The Administrative Hearing Officer shall grant or deny such reclassification in accordance with appropriate zoning regulations, but no reclassification shall be granted by the Administrative Hearing Officer except on the basis of an affirmative finding that there was a mistake in the zoning map or that the character of the neighborhood has changed to such an extent that the zoning map should be changed.
   (b)   Other Authority of Administrative Hearing Officer. Subject to appropriate principles, standards, rules, conditions and safeguards set forth therein, the Administrative Hearing Officer may grant variances from and make special exceptions to the zoning laws, regulations, ordinances or resolutions.
   (c)   Powers Under State Law. The Administrative Hearing Officer may exercise the powers described under Courts and Judicial Procedure Article, § 5-5A-02(3) of the Annotated Code of Maryland or any other law enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland that permits a county officer to exercise similar powers.
   (d)   Orders and Notification. All orders of the Administrative Hearing Officer shall be in writing setting forth the reason therefor; and a copy thereof shall be furnished to all parties or their attorneys of record.
   (e)   Orders Final Unless Appealed. In all cases, the order of the Administrative Hearing Officer shall be final unless further appeal is taken as provided in Section 536 of this Charter.
(Bill No. 72-82; Res. No. 41-88)