Sec. 524. Duties and functions of the Office of Central Services.
   The Office of Central Services shall be responsible for the administration of the purchasing policies of the County set forth in Article IX of this Charter. Unless otherwise provided by public general law, the Office of Central Services shall also be responsible for the making, renewal and cancellation of all contracts of insurance in which the County, or any office, department, institution, board, commission or other agency of the County government is named as insured; for the maintenance, operation and management of all land and buildings owned by or operated by the County; and for making available to other offices, departments, boards, institutions and agencies of the County such duplicating, stenographic, mail, messenger, stores, transportation, central garage, automotive maintenance, data processing or other central services as may be assigned thereto from time to time by directive of the Chief Administrative Officer, County Executive or by ordinance of the County Council.
(Bill No. 93-80)