Sec. 209. Removal from office.
   (a)   The office of a member of the County Council may be declared vacant by ordinance of the County Council with an affirmative vote of not less than five members if, during their elected term, the Councilmember:
      (1)   fails to meet the requirements of Section 202 of this Article;
      (2)   is found guilty of, or pleads nolo contendere to, and is convicted of, a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude or misfeasance or malfeasance in office; or
      (3)   fails to perform or is incapable of performing the duties of their office for 180 consecutive days.
   (b)   A vacancy occurring under subsection (a)(3) shall be filled in the manner provided in Section 205 of this Article.
   (c)   To the fullest extent allowed by law, a County Council member removed from office under subsection (a)(2) may be ineligible to receive post-employment County benefits earned as a result of their tenure as a County Council member, subject to an ordinance enacted by the County Council providing for the conditions of removal and reinstatement of benefits.
(Res. No. 33-12; Res. No. 30-22)
   Editor's note – Sec. 209 was added by amendment in 2012.