§ 1-12-109. Applicant, certified, and participating candidate restrictions.
   An applicant, certified, or participating candidate may not:
      (1)   accept a private contribution from a group or organization, including a political action committee, a corporation, a labor organization, or a State or local central committee of a political party;
      (2)   accept a private contribution from an individual in an aggregate greater than $250, or the maximum amount of an eligible contribution, as adjusted by § 1-12-106(d), during a four year election cycle;
      (3)   after filing a notice of intent with the Board to seek public contributions, pay for any campaign expense with any campaign finance account other than the candidate’s publicly funded campaign account;
      (4)   be a member of a slate in any election in which the candidate receives a public contribution;
      (5)   transfer funds:
         (i)   to the candidate’s publicly funded campaign account from any other campaign finance entity established for the candidate; or
         (ii)   from the candidate’s publicly funded campaign account to any other campaign finance entity.
(Bill No. 25-23)