§ 1-12-107. Use of public contribution.
   (a)   Expenses incurred during election. A participating candidate may only use qualifying contributions and public contributions for expenses incurred for a primary or general election. A participating candidate may not pay in advance for goods and or services to be used after certification with non-qualifying contributions received before applying for certification.
   (b)   Complaints. A complaint alleging an impermissible receipt or use of funds by a participating candidate shall be filed with the Board.
   (c)   Access to financial records. A participating candidate shall provide the Board with reasonable access to the financial records of the candidate’s publicly funded campaign account upon request.
   (d)   Return of public contributions. Within 30 days after the Board certifies the results of the general election, a participating candidate shall return any unspent funds in the candidate’s publicly funded campaign account to the Controller for deposit into the Fund.
(Bill No. 25-23)