§ 18-11-152. Rifle, pistol, skeet, and archery ranges, outdoor.
   An outdoor rifle, pistol, skeet, and archery range shall comply with all of the following requirements.
      (1)   For each rifle or pistol range:
         (i)   the area between the firing point and target pit shall be baffled overhead and either baffled or fenced on each side to prevent a fired projectile from escaping the range area;
         (ii)   each backstop shall be constructed of dirt and surfaced with at least three feet of debris-free dirt;
         (iii)   the backstop shall be of a height so that a bullet fired from the lowest firing position cannot escape between the last baffle and the backstop; and
         (iv)   the passageway from the firing line to each target pit shall be completely enclosed or consist of a trench of sufficient depth to shield a user from exposure to a bullet.
      (2)   For a skeet or archery range, the area between the stake and target shall be baffled or fenced on each side to prevent the projectile from escaping the range area.
      (3)   The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
      (4)   Written approval from the Police Department shall be obtained.
(Bill No. 4-05; Bill No. 73-11; Bill No. 96-15; Bill No. 96-16; Bill No. 74-18; Bill No. 97-19; Bill No. 69-20; Bill No. 21-21; Bill No. 56-23)