§ 18-2-107. Zoning district line corrections.
   (a)   In general. The Planning and Zoning Officer may either submit proposed changes to the County Council for adoption by ordinance or certify changes to the digital zoning layer to correct minor or technical errors to a zoning district line:
      (1)   to follow the boundaries established in § 18-2-106(e)(1) through (4);
      (2)   to follow the boundaries established in § 18-2-106(e)(5), if there is a clear indication that the zoning district line was intended to match the property boundary, when:
         (i)   more accurate or updated parcel information becomes available due to approved development activity, a recorded plat, an updated sealed property survey, or other improved information; or
         (ii)   minor drafting or other technical errors or omissions identified within the GIS mapping system are corrected for a parcel and the correction results in a zoning district line falling inside or outside of the parcel boundary; or
      (3)   when written text or a map exhibit adopted by a comprehensive zoning ordinance or other property rezoning clearly indicates a discrepancy between a zoning district line as shown on the digital zoning layer and the adopted text or map exhibit.
   (b)   Effect of correction. Any correction made in accordance with subsection (a) may not be construed as a rezoning.
(Bill No. 4-05; Bill No. 75-10; Bill No. 22-23; Bill No. 69-23)