§ 18-2-102. Policy.
   The policy of the County is to:
      (1)   guide and direct the development of land and the location of public facilities and services in accordance with the General Development Plan for the County;
      (2)   organize the concentration of population;
      (3)   relate density of uses to the proper locations;
      (4)   facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public facilities and services;
      (5)   protect and preserve the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries;
      (6)   protect and preserve the historic and archaeological heritage of the County;
      (7)   promote an adequate supply of housing throughout the County with a broad range of housing types and prices that meet the needs of citizens at different ages and stages of their lives;
      (8)   strengthen and revitalize existing communities and encourage the revitalization of older residential and commercial areas;
      (9)   promote the value of buildings and other structures;
      (10)   provide for the safety and promote the general welfare of the County through the protection of life and property to enhance and maintain the quality of life for all citizens;
      (11)   preserve agricultural land, forested and rural areas, bogs, wetlands, and floodplains; and
      (12)   divide the County into zoning districts of such character, number, shape, and area as are best suited to effect these policies.
(Bill No. 4-05; Bill No. 64-09)