§ 17-9-206. Development within the 100-foot upland buffer.
   (a) Development generally prohibited. Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), new development, including septic systems, structures, roads, parking areas, or other impervious surfaces, is prohibited in the 100-foot upland buffer and natural vegetation shall be maintained.
    (b)   Decks. A deck no larger than 288 square feet may be constructed on a lot within the 100-foot upland buffer if the deck:
      (1)   is constructed with gaps between the boards to achieve perviousness;
      (2)   is located in an area that does not require clearing of woodland;
      (3)   has gravel six inches deep spread under the deck; and
      (4)   is surrounded by native plantings to prevent runoff.
   (c)   Sheds. A single shed is allowed on a lot within the 100-foot upland buffer if the shed is no larger than 150 square feet and is located in an area that does not require clearing of woodland.
(Bill No. 3-05)