§ 17-7-804. Transportation.
   (a)   Pre-submittal meeting; planned roads.
      (1)   A pre-submittal meeting for a development adjacent to or fronting on roads identified as planned in the Odenton Town Center Master Plan shall be scheduled with the Department of Public Works and the Office of Planning and Zoning to determine the extent of required road improvements.
      (2)   After the pre-submittal meeting, the Planning and Zoning Officer may require the developer to design, construct, and dedicate roads identified as planned in the Odenton Town Center Master Plan as a condition of approval of a development application.
   (b)   Reservation of land. Land in a proposed development application shall be reserved as future rights-of-way for transportation infrastructure or other public facilities not related to the development if a County or State project has been funded for design in the County’s current approved capital budget and program or the current State Consolidated Transportation Program, and at least 60% of the project is designed.
   (c)   Public roads; dedications. If a proposed development borders a County road that does not comply with the DPW Design Manual, the developer shall improve to the center of the County road to comply with the DPW Design Manual and dedicate and deed in fee simple sufficient property to the County to include all required improvements. If a developer is required by this Code to improve a County road and the developer cannot acquire the necessary property after exhausting all reasonable efforts to the satisfaction of the County, the County may acquire the property at the developer’s expense prior to approval of the grading permit.
   (d)   Phased development. A phased development shall include establishment of a continuous road frontage pedestrian network as part of the first phase of improvements. Internal connections to buildings should be provided as buildings are constructed. Phased development may include an interim standard for streetscape design initially and construction of final streetscape treatments proportional to the site construction of each phase.
   (e)   Site access and circulation.
      (1)   All circulation patterns shall be designed to minimize curb cuts onto arterial and collector roads. Adjoining properties may be required to share or coordinate curb cuts, service alleys, frontage roads, and other features to achieve this standard.
      (2)   Site entrances or new roads shall be located to align with existing intersections and existing or planned median openings to the maximum extent practicable.
      (3)   New roads other than alleys shall be designed to provide a connection between subdivisions of similar zoning and use unless the Office of Planning and Zoning determines that the interconnection will result in unnecessary impact to the environment or adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties.
      (4)   Drive-through establishments, including car washes and restaurants, shall provide adequate stacking capacity that does not impede vehicle circulation through the site or result in vehicles stacking into the road. A developer shall provide documentation indicating peak times and how traffic will be mitigated.
(Bill No. 84-23)