§ 17-6-704. Forfeiture of security.
   (a)   Generally. If a developer fails to comply with any term or condition of a public works agreement or forestation agreement, the security for the agreement shall be forfeited to the County. If the County's cost to complete the work is greater than the amount of the security, the excess cost shall constitute a lien on any properties of record owned by the developer.
   (b)   Forestation agreements. If a developer fails to request in writing a return of the security for a forestation agreement within 180 days after the expiration of the two-year period that the security is held under this subtitle, the security shall be forfeited by operation of law to the County's Forest Conservation Fund or to the Critical Area Fund described in § 17-8-603, as determined by the Office of Planning and Zoning.
(Bill No. 3-05)