§ 16-1-109. Denial of permits after notice of violation.
   (a)   Denial of permit. The County may deny the issuance of permits under this article if it determines that the applicant has been served with notice of any violation on the property for which the permit is sought and the violation has not been resolved.
   (b)   Notice of intent. The Director of Inspection and Permits shall give notice of intent to enforce this section by including in any notice of violation a provision stating that the property may be subject to denial of additional permits under this section until the violation is corrected.
   (c)   Remedies and penalties. The remedies and penalties set forth in this section are in addition to and do not supersede remedies and penalties provided in Title 5 of this article or elsewhere in this Code or imposed by a court.
   (d)   No appeal. The applicant may not appeal the denial of additional permits based on enforcement of this section.
(Bill No. 58-10)