The provisions of the 2021 International Building Code are amended, deleted, or corrected as follows and the following provisions shall supersede the part of the text of the 2021 International Building Code as indicated:
(1) Strike Chapter 1 in its entirety and substitute “Chapter 1 – Construction Code Administrative Provisions” as set forth in this supplement.
(2) In section 202, in the definition of “Building Official”, strike “The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code, or a duly authorized representative” and substitute “Code Official”.
(3) In section 202, after the definition of “Coastal High Hazard Area” insert:
“Code Official. The Director of Inspections and Permits, or duly authorized representative, charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code.”
(4) In section 305.2, strike “five” and substitute “eight”.
(5) After section 308.5, insert:
“Exception: A childcare facility may be classified as I-4 if the facility is classified as a day care occupancy under the State Fire Prevention Code.”
(6) In section 308.6, strike “five” and substitute “eight”.
(7) In section 308.6.1, strike “five” and substitute “eight”.
(8) Strike section 310.4.1, in its entirety, and substitute:
“310.4.1 Residential care facilities within a dwelling. Residential board and care facilities providing services to five (5) or fewer residents in an existing single family dwelling structure built prior to 2008 are permitted to comply with the International Residential Code. Residential board and care facilities providing services to more than five (5) residents in an existing single family dwelling structure built in or after 2008 shall provide an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with section 903.3.1.3 or section P2904 of the International Residential Code.”
(9) Strike section 411.5, condition 3. in its entirety and substitute:
“3. All exits and exit access doors from each puzzle room shall be open and readily available upon activation by the automatic fire alarm system, automatic sprinkler system, and a manual control at a constantly attended location, and shall have a readily accessible control located inside each puzzle room.”
(10) Strike section 510.2, condition 4. in its entirety.
(11) In section 510.2, condition 7., strike the comma and substitute a period; and strike “grade plane” and substitute “lowest level of Fire Department vehicle access”.
(12) In section 1004.8, after “telephone call centers,” insert “nail salons,”.
(13) In section 1102.1, after “ICC A117.1.”, insert “All buildings and portions thereof shall comply with the provisions of the “Maryland Accessibility Code” (Code of Maryland Regulations 09.12.53). Where conflicts between the two Codes exist, the stricter requirements shall be followed.”
(14) In section 1612.3, insert “Anne Arundel County, Maryland,” in the space indicated and insert October 16, 2012, revised February 18, 2015” in the space indicated.
(15) In section 1612., strike“110.3.3” and substitute “109.3.3”, and strike “” and substitute “109.12”, and, after the period, insert:
“All buildings and structures erected within a flood hazard area other than Coastal High Hazard Areas and Coastal A zones shall be elevated so that the lowest floor is located a minimum of one foot above the design flood elevation. All basement floor surfaces shall be located a minimum of one foot above the design flood elevation.”
(16) In section 1612.4.2.1, strike “110.3.3” and substitute “109.3.3”, and strike “” and substitute “109.12”, and, after the period, insert:
“All buildings and structures erected within Coastal High Hazard Areas and Coastal A zones shall be elevated so that the lowest structural member is located a minimum of one foot above the design flood elevation. All basement floor surfaces shall be located a minimum of one foot above the design flood elevation.”
(17) Strike section 1805.4 in its entirety and substitute:
“1805.4 Subsoil drainage system. Where a hydrostatic pressure condition does not exist, damproofing shall be provided. A base shall be installed under the floor and a subsoil drainage system shall be installed in accordance with section 1805.4.2.”
(18) Strike section 1805.4.2 in its entirety and substitute:
“1805.4.2 Subsoil drainage systems. Subsoil drains shall be required for all buildings having basements, cellars, crawl spaces, or floors below grade. Subsoil drains shall be located inside and outside of the foundation and shall be installed at or below the area to be protected. Drains shall discharge by gravity or mechanical means into an approved drainage system in accordance with section 1805.4.3. Drains shall be perforated or open joint approved drain tile not less than 3 inches in diameter and be placed in gravel, slag, or crushed rock or other approved material at least one sieve size larger than the tile joint opening or perforations with a minimum of 4 inches surrounding the drain tile or pipe on all sides. Exterior drains shall have an approved filter material placed on top of the required gravel stone or crushed rock.”
(19) Strike section 1805.4.3 in its entirety and substitute:
“1805.4.3 Sump pumps and pits. Where subsoil drains do not discharge by gravity, the drains shall discharge to an accessible sump pit with an automatic pump. Sump pit shall be a minimum of 18 inches in diameter, and 24 inches in depth and be provided with a fitted cover. The sump pump shall have adequate capacity to discharge all water coming into the sump as it accumulates but in no case shall the capacity of the pump be less than 15 gallons per minute. The discharge from the pump shall be a minimum of 1 1/4 inches and shall have a union in the discharge piping to make the pump accessible for servicing. When not serving a continuous flowing spring or ground water the sump pump may discharge onto a splash block not less than 24 inches in length. The discharge pipe shall be located within 4 inches of the splash block and positioned to divert the flow parallel to the splash block. Subsoil drains and sump pump discharge may discharge to a properly graded open area provided the point of discharge is 5 feet from any lot line. Where a continuous flowing spring or groundwater is encountered, subsoil and sump pump discharge lines must be piped to a storm drain or approved water course. When piped to a storm drain all drainage lines shall be provided with an accessible backwater valve.”
(20) After section 1805.4.3, insert:
“1805.4.4 Areaway drains. All open subsurface space adjacent to a building serving as an exit or entrance shall be provided with a drain or drains. All areaway drains shall be solid PVC or equivalent and shall discharge directly to a sump crock, daylight, or other approved means. No areaway drain may discharge into a subsoil drain. Drains serving areaways not exceeding 100 square feet shall have a minimum 2-inch diameter pipe. Areaway drains exceeding 100 square feet but not exceeding 1,000 square feet shall have a minimum 3-inch diameter pipe. Areaway drains exceeding 1,000 square feet shall be sized in accordance with the 2021 International Plumbing Code.
1805.4.5 Window well drains. Window well areaways shall have drains. All window well drains shall be solid PVC or equivalent and shall discharge directly to a sump pump crock, daylight, or other approved means. No window well drain may discharge into a subsoil drain. Window well areaways 10 square feet or less shall have a 2-inch minimum diameter pipe. Drains for window well areaways greater than 10 square feet shall be installed in accordance with section 1805.4.4.
1805.4.6 Foundation weep holes. Where subsoil drains are required by section 1805.4.2, foundations of hollow core masonry shall have foundation weep holes. Weep holes shall be placed a maximum of 4 foot O/C intervals and shall discharge into the aggregate of interior subsoil drainage system.
1805.4.7 Site grading. The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation shall be sloped away from the building at a slope of not less than one unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1:12) for a minimum distance of 5 feet (914 mm) measured perpendicular to the face of the wall or an approved alternate method of diverting water away from the foundation shall be used. Consideration shall be given to the possible additional settlement of the backfill when establishing the final ground level adjacent to the foundation.
1805.4.8 Roof drainage. The roof drainage system shall discharge within four (4) inches of a splash block. The discharge may be to a properly graded open area provided that the point of discharge is at least five (5) feet from any property line or, as required by an approved grading and stormwater management plan, to a swale or device.”
(21) In section 1809.4 after “(305 MM).”, insert:
“For the purposes of the Building Code, the frostline is 30 inches from the finished grade.”
(22) After section 1809.8, insert:
“1809.8.1 Electrode. In all buildings a concrete-encased electrode shall be provided prior to placement of concrete in accordance with section 250.52(a)(3) of the National Electrical Code, 2020 edition.”
(23) After section 2801.1, insert:
“2801.2 Cooperating agencies. Nothing herein contained shall supersede the provisions of other statutes, ordinances, or regulations of the County or State governing the operation and maintenance of boilers and other heating appliances and equipment, or the acceptance of the certificates and labels of inspection by authoritative national agencies. Provisions of the “Board of Boiler Rules” of the State shall be followed.
2801.3 General. Plans and specifications for the installation, repair, extension, or removal of any mechanical equipment or system shall be submitted in accordance with Article 15 of the County Code and a permit shall be secured prior to the commencement of any work.”
(24) In section 3109.3 strike “4 feet (1290 mm)” and substitute “6 feet”.
(25) After section 3109.1, insert:
“3109.2 Public pool entrapment avoidance. A public or semi-public swimming pool or spa shall conform to entrapment requirements as set forth in COMAR”
(26) After section 3113.4, insert:
“Section 3114
3114.1 Driveway aprons. Driveway aprons shall extend from street or alley pavements to the property line, and shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the standard specifications and details issued by the Department of Public Works.
3114.2 Location and specifications. Driveways shall extend from the lot line to the garage, carport, or parking space, and shall measure at least 9 feet in width. The maximum gradient change at vertical transitions shall be 20%. Vertical transitions shall be designed to prevent the undercarriage or bumper of a standard size car from contacting the driveway surface. Alignment shall be safe and convenient to back a car out, or an adequate turnaround shall be provided. No portion of the driveway shall exceed 14% gradient from the horizontal.
3114.3 Materials. Driveways shall be constructed of concrete, blacktop, or other approved material to prevent spalling, erosion, and cracking.
3114.4 Parking pads. Two off-street parking pads shall be provided for each detached single-family home as defined by section 101.2.1 of the Construction Code. The minimum size per parking space is 9 feet in width and 18 feet in length.
3114.5 Exception. The aforementioned standards do not apply to lots one acre or larger.”
(27) After section 3304.1.4, insert:
“3304.1.5 Temporary support. The provisions of this section apply to excavations that are 4 feet or more below the existing grade level. Until permanent support has been provided, excavations shall be safeguarded and protected by the person causing the excavation to be made, to avoid danger to life or limb. Where necessary, the excavation shall be retained by temporary retaining walls, sheet pilings and bracing, or other approved method to support the adjoining earth. Temporary support need not be provided if the sides of the excavation are sloped to an angle of 1.5 to 1 or more away from vertical.”
(28) After Chapter 33, insert:
“Chapter 34
Grading and Sediment Control
The Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance in Article 16, Title 3, of the County Code, is incorporated by reference and made a part of the Building Code. If a conflict arises between the provisions of the Building Code and Article 16, Title 3, the more restrictive provision shall prevail.”
(29) The document entitled “Required Changes to the 2021 International Building Code to Comply with the A2L Refrigerant Related Code Provisions of the 2024 I-Codes”, published by the International Code Council and dated March 1, 2023, and as amended from time to time, is hereby incorporated by reference.
(Bill No. 1-12; Bill No. 123-15; Bill No. 60-20; Bill No. 25-24)