(a) With approval from the Health Officer and under supervision by the Fire Chief. With the approval of the Health Officer and with all reasonable means taken to minimize smoke, the Fire Chief or the Fire Chief's designee may permit an open fire when necessary to instruct public firefighters or industrial employees under supervision of the Fire Control Official or to protect public health or safety when other means for disposing of hazardous materials are not available.
(b) When license not required. The following open fires are allowed without a license if the fire does not create a nuisance or air pollution:
(1) In those areas where no provision is made for public collection of leaves, burning of leaves originating on the premises by householders is allowed if the fire is located at least 300 feet from any habitable dwelling or place where people work or congregate.
(2) In those areas where there is no public collection of refuse, burning of household refuse originating on the premises by the householder is allowed if the fire is located at least 300 feet from any habitable dwelling or place where people work or congregate and materials are not burned that create smoke emissions of an opacity of 20% or greater.
(3) An open fire is allowed for the cooking of food on other than commercial premises.
(4) An open fire with a volume of less than one cubic yard is allowed for recreational purposes, such as campfires and bonfires.
(5) A salamander designed specifically for space heating or warming of outdoor workers and facilities is allowed.
(1985 Code, Art. 14, §§ 7-203, 7-204) (Bill No. 70-92; Bill No. 7-03)