§ 10-14-101. Protection of privacy.
   (a)   Privacy rights. Without prior written permission from a subscriber, a franchisee may not, except in accordance with practices permitted by 47 U.S.C. § 551, sell, distribute, or make available personally identifiable information relating to a subscriber, including the subscriber's name, address, telephone number, viewing habits, and, except in accordance with normal credit practices, account billing and payment history.
   (b)   Subscriber permission. A subscriber's prior written permission shall be on a form provided by the franchisee. The form shall state a duration not to exceed one year and the purpose for which and by whom the collected data will be utilized. A subscriber may revoke the authorization without cost or penalty by delivering to the franchisee in writing an indication of intent to revoke.
   (c)   Request of personally identifiable subscriber information. A franchisee shall refuse a request to make personally identifiable subscriber information available to a government agency in the absence of legal compulsion or authorization by the subscriber. If a request for subscriber information is made by a government agency, the franchisee shall notify the subscriber promptly and, in any event, before responding, unless prohibited by law.
   (d)   Subscriber rights to examine and correct information. A franchisee shall permit a subscriber to examine and copy at the office of the franchisee in the County during normal business hours all information developed by the franchisee about that subscriber. Copying costs shall be borne by the subscriber. The franchisee shall correct the records on a reasonable showing by the subscriber that the information is inaccurate.
(Bill No. 54-06)