§ 9-1-703. Littering.
   (a)   Definition. In this section, “litter” has the meaning stated in § 10-110 of the Criminal Law Article of the State Code.
   (b)   Prohibitions. A person may not:
      (1)   dispose of litter on a County road or violate State vehicle laws regarding the disposal of litter, glass, or other prohibited substances on roads; or
      (2)   dispose of or cause to allow the disposal of litter on public or private property unless:
         (i)   the property is designated by the State, a unit of the State, or a political subdivision of the State for the disposal of litter and the person is authorized by the proper public authority to use the property; or
         (ii)   the litter is placed into a garbage or solid waste receptacle or container on the property.
   (c)   Violations. A person who violates any provision of this section is subject to:
      (1)   a civil fine in the amount of $250 for the first violation, $750 for the second violation, and $1,000 for the third or any subsequent violation, and all applicable provisions of § 9-2-101 of this Code; or
      (2)   the penalties set forth in § 10-110 of the Criminal Law Article of the State Code.
(Bill No. 19-21; Bill No. 62-22)