It is unlawful for any person to use any public sidewalk, street, or alley for the purpose of washing or cleaning any automobile, truck equipment, or any vehicle of any kind when such work is done for hire or as a business. This does not prevent any person from washing or cleaning his or her own vehicle or equipment when it is lawfully parked in the street or alley.
1. For use in this chapter, "parking" means that part of the public right-of-way in the City not covered by the sidewalk and lying between the lot line and the curb line; or, on unpaved streets, that part of the public right-of-way lying between the lot line and that portion of the street usually traveled by vehicular traffic.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the abutting property owner to maintain all property within the parking, except that the abutting property owner shall not be required to remove dead, diseased, or dying trees on the publicly owned property. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, timely mowing, trimming of trees and shrubs, removing tree debris, and removing litter.
3. Underground irrigation systems are allowed in the parking with the understanding that it is at the abutting property owner's risk. Any maintenance, repair, or replacement of the irrigation system caused by City maintenance or construction activities within the parking will be the responsibility of and at the expense of the abutting property owner.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[2c])
(Ord. 1973 - Aug. 19 Supp.)
If the abutting property owner does not perform an action required under the above section within a reasonable time, the City may perform the required action and assess the cost against the abutting property for collection in the same manner as a property tax.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[2e])
1. It is unlawful for any person to throw, push, or place or cause to be thrown, pushed or placed, any ice or snow from private property, sidewalks, or driveways onto the traveled way of a street or alley so as to obstruct gutters, or impede the passage of vehicles upon the street or alley or to create a hazardous condition therein; except where, in the cleaning of large commercial drives in the business district it is absolutely necessary to move the snow onto the street or alley temporarily, such accumulation shall be removed promptly by the property owner or agent. Arrangements for the prompt removal of such accumulations shall be made prior to moving the snow.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[2])
2. It is unlawful for any property owner to plow or push snow from the driveway or property of said owner onto another private property. Such snow shall be kept on the property of the owner or on the parkway grass abutting the owner’s property.
All violations of any provision(s) of Section 150.11 are hereby declared simple misdemeanors punishable by a fine of at least $50 plus surcharge and court costs and/or municipal infractions punishable by a penalty as listed in Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances. Violations may be charged as either a misdemeanor criminal offense or a municipal infraction at the sole discretion of the peace officer.
(Ord. 2008 - Jun. 20 Supp.)
The property owner shall, at the owner’s expense, install any culvert deemed necessary under any driveway or any other access to the owner’s property; and before installing a culvert, permission must first be obtained from the City. Culverts shall be of such size and material as required by the City. In the event repairs are needed at any time with respect to culverts, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to make such repairs, and, in the event the owner fails to do so, the City shall have the right to make the repairs. If the property owner fails to reimburse the City for the cost of said repairs, the cost shall be certified to the County Treasurer and specially assessed against the property as by law provided.