Where it has been determined that any City bridge has a capacity less than the maximum permitted on the streets of the City, or on the street serving the bridge, the Public Works Director and/or the Police Chief may cause to be posted and maintained signs on said bridge and at suitable distances ahead of the entrances thereof to warn drivers of such maximum load limits, and no person shall drive, pull, or otherwise propel any vehicle weighing, loaded or unloaded, upon said bridge in excess of such posted limit.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.471)
1.   There is fixed for users of the following bridges the maximum load limit, including the weight of the vehicle, together with trailer or other attachments thereto, designated for each bridge:
(Ord. 1991 – Mar. 20 Supp.)
1.   Designated. All trucks and other commercial vehicles with a gross weight of 10,000 pounds or more shall be operated only upon the following streets, which streets are hereby designated as truck routes:
   A.   West 1st Street and East 1st Street from its termination point on the west to the east corporate limits;
   B.   Southeast and Northeast Delaware Avenue from the south corporate limits to the north corporate limits;
   C.   Southwest 3rd Street from its west termination point to Southwest State Street;
   D.   Southwest Cherry Street from West 1st Street to Southwest Ordnance Road;
   E.   South Ankeny Boulevard and North Ankeny Boulevard from the south corporate limits to the north corporate limits;
   F.   Southwest 3rd Street Place from Southwest Irvinedale Drive to its east termination point;
   G.   Southwest Ordnance Road from Southwest State Street to South Ankeny Boulevard;
   H.   Southwest Linden Street from Southwest 3rd Street to West 1st Street;
   I.   Southwest Magazine Road and Southeast Magazine Road from Southwest Vintage Parkway to Southeast Delaware Avenue;
   J.   Southwest Oralabor Road and Southeast Oralabor Road from the west corporate limits to the east corporate limits;
   K.   Southwest Irvinedale Drive and Northwest Irvinedale Drive from Southwest Oralabor Road to the north corporate limits;
   L.   Southwest State Street and Northwest State Street from the south corporate limits to its north point of termination;
   M.   Southeast Cortina Drive from Southeast Shurfine Drive to Southeast Magazine Road;
   N.   Southeast Shurfine Drive from South Ankeny Boulevard to Southeast Delaware Avenue;
   O.   Southeast Hulsizer Road from Southeast Oralabor Road to Southeast Shurfine Drive;
   P.   Southeast Lorenz Drive from Southeast Hulsizer Road to Southeast Delaware Avenue;
   Q.   Southeast 54th Street from the west corporate limits to Southeast Delaware Avenue;
   R.   Northwest 18th Street and Northeast 18th Street from the west corporate limits to the east corporate limits;
   T.   Southeast Creekview Drive from East 1st Street south to its point of termination;
   U.   Southeast Tones Drive from Southeast Creekview Drive to its point of termination;
   V.   Southeast Convenience Boulevard from the south corporate limits to Southeast Oralabor Road;
   W.   Southeast Corporate Woods Drive from the west corporate limits to the east corporate limits;
   X.   Southeast Four Mile Drive and Northeast Four Mile Drive from the south corporate limits to the north corporate limits;
   Y.   Northwest 36th Street and Northeast 36th Street from the west corporate limits to the east corporate limits;
   Z.   Northwest 54th Street and Northeast 54th Street from the west corporate limits to Northeast Delaware Avenue;
   AA.   Northwest Ash Drive from West 1st Street to the north corporate limits;
   BB.   Southwest Vintage Parkway from Southwest Irvinedale Drive to Southwest State Street.
   CC.   Southeast Crosswinds Drive from Southeast Convenience Boulevard to Southeast Corporate Woods Drive;
   DD.   Southeast 72nd Street from its west point of termination to Southeast Corporate Woods Drive;
   EE.   Southeast 77th Street from Southeast Convenience Boulevard to Southeast Four Mile Drive;
   FF.   Southeast 90th Street from the west corporate limits to the east corporate limits;
   GG.   Northeast 72nd Street from North Ankeny Boulevard to the east corporate limits.
(Ord. 2164 - Mar. 24 Supp.)
2.   Definition. “Truck” means any motor vehicle designed primarily for carrying livestock, merchandise, freight of any kind, or nine persons as passengers, excepting school buses.
3.   Entering and Reentering; Conduct of Business. Such vehicles named in subsection 1 may be operated upon any street where necessary in the conduct of business to and from a destination point, but then only by leaving and reentering the truck route at the intersection nearest to such point.
4.   Posting of Signs. The City shall cause truck route prohibitions and limitations to be designated by appropriate signs posted upon the truck route.