.010   Purpose. To permit the maximum amount of development in the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area consistent with The Anaheim Resort's infrastructure capacity, the Specific Plan establishes seven (7) density categories in the C-R District. The following criteria establish density modifications for hotel/motel accessory uses and uses other than hotels/motels.
      .0101   Hotel/Motel Accessory Uses. Up to twenty percent (20%) of each hotel/motel project gross square footage, excluding parking facilities, may be developed with integrated (i.e., included within the main hotel/motel complex) accessory uses. Any accessory use, that is not identified as "limited strictly to the use of the guests and/or employees of such hotel" within Table 116-E (Accessory Uses Incidental to and Integrated within a Hotel or Motel Including Suite-Type Hotels, and Otherwise Limited Herein: C-R District (Development Area 1)) will reduce the otherwise maximum permitted hotel/motel density at the rate of one hotel/motel room per six hundred (600) gross square feet of accessory use.
      .0102   Uses other than Hotels/Motels. For properties proposed to be developed with permitted and conditionally permitted uses other than hotels/motels with accessory uses, the traffic generation characteristics of said uses shall not exceed those associated with the otherwise permitted hotel/motel (including accessory uses) density as determined by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager prior to required Final Site Plan review and approval or building plan approval. Boundaries of the density areas are depicted in Exhibit, 3.3-2 (Commercial Recreation (C-R) District Development Density Plan) of the Specific Plan document.
   .020   The maximum number of hotel/motel rooms allowed in each density category is shown in Table 116-B (Hotel/Motel Room Density) of Section 18.116.060 (Development Density Areas - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)).
Density Category
Maximum Density
Low Density
Up to 50 rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (or for amended areas, the date of the adoption of the specific plan amendment), whichever is greater.
Low-Medium Density
Up to 75 rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, whichever is greater, except that for that area identified in Ordinance No. 5694 as Area 8, the maximum density shall be 75 rooms per gross acre.
Low-Medium Density (Modified)
Up to 252 rooms and 75,593 square feet of accessory uses.
Medium Density
Up to 100 rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, whichever is greater.
Medium Density (Modified)
Up to 345 rooms
Medium Density (Modified A)
Up to 127 rooms
Convention Center (CC) Medium Density
Up to 125 rooms per gross acre (with trip generation characteristics mitigated to the equivalent of 100 rooms per gross) or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, whichever is greater.
   .030   Exceptions.
      .0301   For parcels that are developed with hotel or motel rooms which exceed the maximum density designation, the number of rooms existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Ordinance (Ordinance No. 5453, Adopted on September 27, 1994) (or for amended areas, the date of the adoption of the specific plan amendment ordinance) may be rebuilt or modified at their existing density.
      .0302   Densities of contiguous parcels/lots may be combined for the purpose of developing a master plan project without processing a subdivision map to combine the parcels/lots subject to the following:
         .01   That the density on one or more parcels/lots may exceed the maximum density allowed for said parcel/lot provided that: the maximum overall density permitted for the combined parcels/lots is not exceeded; the proposed project does not exceed traffic impacts associated with the otherwise permitted hotel/motel density as determined by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager; and, that the environmental effects associated with the proposed project are consistent with those cleared by the Master Environmental Impact Report for the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (MEIR No. 313) and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (FSEIR No. 2008-00340), or other final environmental documentation.
         .02   That the proposed density for each parcel/lot is shown on the Final Site Plan processed in accordance with subsection (Final Site Plan Review and Approval).
         .03   That an unsubordinated covenant shall be recorded on each of the affected parcels limiting the density of each parcel to that shown on the approved Final Site Plan and that said covenant shall be recorded prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the master plan project. The covenant shall be prepared in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney and shall be recorded with the Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recorded covenant shall then be submitted to the Planning Department.
      .0303   Properties along the following street segments may include the following additional right-of-way widths in their gross acreage due to the enhanced ultimate right-of-way widths required by adopted General Plan Amendment No. 331 to implement the Anaheim Resort Public Realm streetscape program: Harbor Boulevard, between the Interstate-5 Freeway and Orangewood Avenue twelve (12) feet; Katella Avenue twenty-eight (28) feet; Disney Way eleven and one half (11-1/2) feet; Disneyland Drive north of Ball Road ten (10) feet; and Disneyland Drive, between Magic Way and Katella Avenue two and one half (2-1/2) feet. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 11; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6443 § 1; August 14, 2018: Ord. 6494 § 1; September 29, 2020: Ord. 6575 § 2 (part); May 7, 2024.)