Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, no provision of this chapter shall apply to or be a limitation upon the City of Anaheim, whether the City acts in a governmental or proprietary capacity. (Ord. 5378 § 1 (part); June 29, 1993: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6573 § 2 (part); May 7, 2024.)
Exhibit 7.0A
   Freestanding Monument Sign
Street Frontage
0-60 ft.
>60-150 ft.
>150-300 ft.
>300 ft.
Maximum Sign Area Per Sign Face (A)
•   See Planning Standard Details Nos. 5, 6, and 7 on file in the Planning Department
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per street frontage. (B)
•   One (1) per 660 feet of street frontage. (C)
Minimum Setback From Public Right-of-Way
Not Applicable
•   Two (2) ft.
•   Except adjacent to Harbor Blvd. between Orangewood Ave. and I-5 freeway and adjacent to Katella Ave. between Walnut St. and I-5 freeway where it shall be zero (0) feet.
Maximum Height to Top (D)
Not Applicable
•   9 feet oriented on a horizontal format.
•   11.5 feet oriented on a vertical format
Sign Copy
Not Applicable
•   Name and/or logo of the development and/or name and/or logo of up to three (3) tenants/accessory uses. (E)
•   Total area for sign copy shall not exceed 75% of total sign face and shall not be closer than 10 inches to any edge.
Not Applicable
Illumination Limitations
•   No bare bulbs, exposed neon, animated or flashing signs.
Allowable Illumination
•   Letter/symbols routed from painted opaque background with internally illuminated push-through copy.
•   Ground mounted spotlights screened from public view by landscaping.
Other Limitations
Not Applicable
•   All signs to be mounted on the standard Anaheim Resort sign base which is not included in the area calculation of the sign.
•   Signs shall identify development address in the location specified on sign details on file in the Planning Department.
•   All signs except corner locations shall be located in the middle 40% of the street frontage. For corner locations signs shall be set back in accordance with the Design Plan.
•   Any attachments or “riders” to signs shall be prohibited.
•   All signs shall be placed perpendicular to the street.
   (A)   Area of sign face refers to the permitted sign copy area as shown on the Anaheim Resort Sign Standard Details on file in the Planning Department.
   (B)   For corner lots, one freestanding monument sign is permitted on each street frontage (up to two signs per lot), provided that if two signs are installed, each sign shall be located a minimum distance of seventy-five (75) feet from the intersection and the sign copy of both signs is not legible at the same time from any point on the adjacent rights-of-way. If one sign is installed, it is permitted to be installed at the corner or along either street frontage.
   (C)   Maximum of two (2) signs per street frontage with a minimum distance of 300 ft. between signs.
   (D)   Signs located adjacent to Harbor Boulevard and Walnut Street shall be oriented on a horizontal format, signs on all other streets in the District shall be oriented on a vertical format.
   (E)   Multi-tenant signs shall either use one consistent typeface for all tenants or one color for all sign copy. The capital letter height and logo of all tenant identification copy shall be the same on a single sign face.
   Business Identification Wall Sign
Street Frontage
0-30 ft.
>30-60 ft.
>60-100 ft.
>100-150 ft.
>150 ft.
Maximum Sign Area Per Sign Face
30 SF
60 SF
100 SF
140 SF
160 SF
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
Mid-block Locations   
•   One (1) per building or store front.
Corner Lots
•   One (1) per building or store front; or, one (1) per building per each street frontage as long as only one sign is legible at any time from any point on the adjacent public right-of-way.
Sign Copy
Number of Stories
Maximum Letter/Symbol Height (A)
Symbol Only Maximum Height
24 in.
36 in.
Over 2
36 in.
48 in.
•   Sign copy limited to building name and/or logo, individual business name and/or logo, or generic name (i.e. Pizza, Gift Shop) and/or logo.
•   Sign copy shall be located no closer than one-half the size of the largest letter/symbol to the top and sides of the building wall.
•   Sign copy shall be located at the cornice line or 25 feet from the ground, whichever is lower.
Illumination Limitations
•   No bare bulbs, exposed neon, animated or flashing signs.
•   No internally illuminated canopies/awnings.
•   No white or light colored translucent back lit panels.
•   No white or light colored translucent back lit panels.
•    No dual-lit signs.
Allowable Illumination
•   Sign cabinet with letters/symbol routed from opaque background with internally illuminated copy.
•   Reverse metal pan channel letters/symbol with neon halo illumination.
•   Internally illuminated channel letters/symbol with translucent face panels.
•   Open pan channel letters/symbol with neon illumination and clear translucent face panels.
Other Limitations
•   12 inch maximum projection from building face, however, individual letters attached at the base of an architectural feature, such as a metal canopy or architectural projection, are permitted to extend beyond twelve (12) inches from the building wall, provided the architectural element is a substantial component of the elevation and the individual letters do not project beyond the edge of the architectural feature.
•   Projection over the public right-of-way is prohibited.
•   There must be a minimum distance of 16 feet between signs on the same parcel.
•   Canopy and awning sign design must be an integral part of the building design and are in lieu of permitted wall signs.
   (A)   When the symbol is used in conjunction with a company name or logo.
   Window Identification Sign
Maximum Sign Area Per Sign Face
•   10% of the area of the largest glass windowpane or four (4) square feet, whichever is less, positioned so that views into the premises are not obstructed.
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   Same as wall signage.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to the business name and/or logo.
Other Limitations
•   Painted, screen-printed or leafed letters/symbol on to interior surface of glass. Signs applied to the exterior of window surfaces are prohibited.
•   Use only one sign per glass window panel, two maximum per business.
•   Neon signs and plaques or signs suspended behind the glass are not allowed.
   Projecting Sign
Maximum Sign Area Per Sign Face
•   4 SF   
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per business or store front.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to the business name and/or logo.
Other Limitations
•   Lowest point of sign shall be 8 feet above ground level directly below sign.
•   Maximum height to be determined by Conditional Use Permit.
•   16-foot minimum distance between signs on the same parcel.
•   30-inch maximum projection from building face.
•   Externally illuminated signs only.
•   Conditional Use Permit required.
   On-Site Directional Informational and Guidance Signs
Maximum Sign Area Per Sign Face
•   8 SF when visible from the public right-of-way.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to the directional symbol or directional copy and may include the business name and/or logo.
Maximum Height
•   As required by local, state or national code.
•   Sign cabinets with letters/symbols routed from opaque background with internally illuminated copy.
Other Limitations
•   No more than two (2) directional (entrance/exit) signs per driveway.
•   Company symbol shall not occupy more than 50% of sign area.
•   Must be designed as part of a coordinated architectural, informational, regulatory and directional sign program for the project and may be designed per Planning Standard Detail No. 8.
•   On-site directional (entrance/exit) signs located within the setback area adjacent to a public street shall comply with the minimum setback requirements for monument signs and shall comply with vehicular line-of-site requirements; all other on-site directional, informational or regulatory signs visible from the public right-of-way shall not be located within the setback area adjacent to a public street.
   Restaurant Menu Board
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
•   4 SF
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per main entrance to restaurant.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to display of restaurant menu only.
•   May be internally illuminated.
Other Limitations
•   Shall be permanently affixed to building wall adjacent to main entrance.
•   Maximum 3-inch projection from building face.
   Open and Closed Signs
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
•   2 SF
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per main entrance.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Message limited to ‘open’ and/or ‘closed’ only.
•   May be internally illuminated or exposed neon.
•   No bare bulbs or flashing signs.
•   No can signs with translucent back-lit panels.
Other Limitations
•   Placed inside the building adjacent to the main entrance.
•   Sign shall not include company name and/or logo. (EXHIBIT 7.0B) – MOTEL/HOTEL SIGN STANDARDS MATRIX
   Freestanding Monument Sign
Street Frontage
0-60 ft.
>60-150 ft.
>150-300 ft.
>300 ft.
Maximum Sign Area Per Sign Face (A)
•   See Planning Standard Details Nos. 5, 6, and 7 on file in the Planning Department
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per street frontage. (B)
•   One (1) per 660 feet of street frontage. (C)
Minimum Setback From Public Right-of-Way
Not Applicable
•   Two (2) ft.
•   Except adjacent to Harbor Blvd. between Orangewood Ave. and I-5 freeway and adjacent to Katella Ave. between Walnut St. and I-5 freeway where it shall be zero (0) feet.
Maximum Height to Top (D)
Not Applicable
•   9 feet oriented on a horizontal format.
•   11.5 feet oriented on a vertical format
Sign Copy
Not Applicable
•   Name and/or logo of the development and/or name and/or logo of up to three (3) tenants/accessory uses. (E)
•   Total area for sign copy shall not exceed 75% of total sign face and shall not be closer than 10 inches to any edge.
Not Applicable
Illumination Limitations
•   No bare bulbs, exposed neon, animated or flashing signs.
Allowable Illumination
•   Letter/symbols routed from painted opaque background with internally illuminated push-through copy.   
•   Ground mounted spotlights screened from public view by landscaping.
Other Limitations (F)
Not Applicable
•   All signs to be mounted on the standard Anaheim Resort sign base which is not included in the area calculation of the sign.
•   Signs shall identify development address in the location specified on sign details on file in the Planning Department.
•   All signs except corner locations shall be located in the middle 40% of the street frontage. For corner locations signs may be located at the corner.
•   Any attachments or “riders” to signs shall be prohibited.
•   All signs shall be placed perpendicular to the street.
•   Affiliation and vacancy information signs shall be in the location designated on the standard base diagram.
   (A)   Area of sign face refers to the permitted sign copy area as shown on the Anaheim Resort Sign Standard Details on file in the Planning Department.
   (B)   For corner lots, one freestanding monument sign is permitted on each street frontage (up to two signs per lot) provided that if two signs are installed, each sign shall be located a minimum distance of seventy-five (75) feet from the street intersection and the sign copy of both signs is not legible at the same time from any point on the adjacent public right-of- way. If one sign is installed, it is permitted to be installed at the corner or along either street frontage.
   (C)   Maximum of two (2) signs per street frontage with a minimum distance of 300 ft. between signs.
   (D)   Signs located adjacent to Harbor Boulevard and Walnut Street shall be oriented on a horizontal format, signs on all other streets in the District shall be oriented on a vertical format.
   (E)   Multi-tenant signs shall either use one consistent typeface for all tenants or one color for all sign copy. The capital letter height and logo of all tenant identification copy shall be the same on a single sign face. If a retail business within the Hotel/Motel is identified on the sign, the sign shall be considered a multi-tenant sign.
   (F)   A special district has been created on Disneyland Drive between Katella Avenue and Ball Road. Hotels/Motels developed in this district may integrate the allowable sign area specified for freestanding monument signs into a feature landscape element, such as a wall or other landscape feature that expresses the architecture or thematic character of the development or establishment. The finish, color and materials of the monument sign shall conform with the design aesthetic of a hotel, in terms of finish, color and materials, and shall not exceed the height and width requirements of the Street Frontage: >150 feet category found in Planning Standard Detail No. 6 on file in the Anaheim Planning and Building Department. This sign area shall be defined according to Code Section "Area of Sign" in the Sign Code. Sign copy shall not occupy more than 75% of the total sign area and shall not be located within 10 inches of the perimeter of the sign face. This feature landscape element shall be used for identity signage in lieu of the standard monument sign base and can include the street address, professional affiliations, and vacancy information. These feature landscape elements are to frame the entry drive of each major hotel and can occur on one or both sides of the main driveway entrance to the hotel. The landscape element can extend into the required landscape setback, with the provision that: (a) a minimum 7-ft. setback from the public right-of-way be maintained; (b) that the landscape element does not violate the City's vehicle sight distance standards; and, (c) that it does not create a continuous wall along the Disneyland Drive frontage. The maximum height of the landscape element within the required landscape shall not exceed 10 ft. and there shall not be more than two sign faces per hotel entry drive, consistent with the Design Plan sign standards. A minimum 2-foot wide border shall be planted with plants and shrubs, irrigated and permanently maintained around the sign base. A minimum of 50% of the plants within the landscape border area shall be selected from the groundcover or shrub category of the planting matrix found in Planning Standard Detail No. 10 on file in the Anaheim Planning and Building Department. The type of sign illumination permitted shall be the same as those permitted under FREESTANDING MONUMENT SIGN listed above. All letters and symbols shall be routed out and have an acrylic backer so that the letters are flush with the sign face.
   Hotel/Motel Business Identification Wall Sign
Number of Stories
Over 14
Number of Stories
Over 14
Maximum Sign Area per Sign Face
160 SF
200 SF
250 SF
300 SF
350 SF
Maximum Letter Height
2 ft.
4 ft.
4 ft. 6 in.
5 ft. 6 in.
7 ft.
Maximum Symbol Height
3 ft.
7 ft.
8 ft.
10 ft.
10 ft.
Maximum Number of Signs per Lot
Two (2) per building.
Located on non-adjacent building elevations; provided that for buildings on corner lots or for buildings over five (5) stories in height, the two wall signs may be located on adjacent building elevations as long as only one sign is legible at any time from any point on the adjacent public right-of-way.
Buildings over five (5) stories may have one additional wall sign located on the porte-cochere with a maximum letter/symbol height of eighteen (18) inches.
Sign Copy
Sign copy limited to hotel/motel name and/or logo.
Sign copy shall be located no closer than one-half the size of the largest letter/symbol to the top and sides of the building wall or fascia or to the closest window line adjacent to the sign.
Sign copy shall be located below the top of the building eave line or roof line, whichever is lower.
Illumination Limitations
No bare bulbs, exposed neon, animated or flashing signs.
No internally illuminated can signs displaying corporate hotel/motel affiliations.
No internally illuminated canopies/awnings.
No white or light colored translucent back lit panels.
Signs shall be attached without visible supports or raceways.
Allowable Illumination
For symbols only, sign cabinet with letters/symbol routed from opaque background with internally illuminated copy.
Reverse metal pan channel letters/symbol with neon halo illumination.
Internally illuminated channel letters/symbol with translucent face panels.
Open pan channel letters/symbol with neon illumination.
Other Limitations
12 inch maximum projection from building face.
Projection over the public right-of-way is prohibited.
Signs shall be attached without visible supports or raceways.
Canopy and awning sign design must be an integral part of the building design and are in lieu of permitted wall signs.
   Hotel/Motel Accessory Business Wall Sign
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
•   30 SF
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) sign that is visible from the public right-of-way per business or store front..
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to the business name and/or logo.
•   Shall be located below the second floor line.
•   Maximum Letter Height: 24 in. per letter.
•   Maximum Symbol Height (when used with a company name or logo): 24 in.
•   Symbol Only Maximum Height: 24 in.
Other Limitations
•   No flashing signs, exposed neon or bare bulbs.
•   Signs shall be attached without visible supports or raceways.
•   Signs shall be installed directly above or adjacent to the main entrance of the business.
•   Limited to restaurant or retail shops having a separate entrance other than through hotel/motel lobby.
•   Accessory business wall signs not visible from the public right-of-way are exempt, provided they are part of a coordinated sign program.
   Window Identification Sign
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
10% of the area of the largest glass windowpane or four (4) square feet, whichever is less, positioned so that views into the premises are not obstructed.
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
Same as wall signage.
Sign Copy Limitations
Limited to the business name and/or logo.
Other Limitations
Painted, screen-printed or leafed letters/symbol on to interior surface of glass. Signs applied to the exterior of window surfaces are prohibited.
•   Use only one sign per glass window panel, two maximum per business.
•   Neon signs and plaques or signs suspended behind the glass are not allowed.
   Projecting Sign
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
•   4 SF   
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per business or store front.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to the business name and/or logo.
Other Limitations
•   Lowest point of sign shall be 8 feet above ground level directly below sign.
•   Maximum height to be determined by Conditional Use Permit.
•   16-foot minimum distance between signs on the same parcel.
•   30-inch maximum projection from building face.
•   Externally illuminated signs only.
•   Conditional Use Permit required.
   On-Site Directional Informational and Guidance Signs
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
•   8 SF when visible from the public right-of-way.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to the directional symbol or directional copy and may include the business name and/or logo.
Maximum Height
•   As required by local, state or national code.
•   Sign cabinets with letters/symbols routed from opaque background with internally illuminated copy.
Other Limitations
•   No more than two (2) directional (entrance/exit) signs per driveway.
•   Company symbol shall not occupy more than 50% of sign area.
•   Must be designed as part of a coordinated architectural, informational, regulatory and directional sign program for the project and may be designed per Planning Standard Detail No. 8.
•   On-site directional (entrance/exit) signs located within the setback area adjacent to a public street shall comply with the minimum setback requirements for monument signs and shall comply with vehicular line-of-site requirements; all other on-site directional, informational or regulatory signs visible from the public right-of-way shall not be located within the setback area adjacent to a public street.
   Restaurant Menu Board
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
•   4 SF
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per main entrance to restaurant.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Limited to display of restaurant menu only.
•   May be internally illuminated.
Other Limitations
•   Shall be permanently affixed to building wall adjacent to main entrance.
•   Maximum 3-inch projection from building face.
   Open and Closed Signs
Maximum Sign Area Per Face
•   2 SF
Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot
•   One (1) per main entrance.
Sign Copy Limitations
•   Message limited to ‘open’ and/or ‘closed’ only.
•   May be internally illuminated or exposed neon.
•   No bare bulbs or flashing signs.
•   No can signs with translucent back-lit panels.
Other Limitations
•   Placed inside the building adjacent to the main entrance.
•   Sign shall not include company name and/or logo.