Any lane, route or path to which vehicles are directed expressly for the purpose of receiving goods or services, without the customer leaving the vehicle, shall comply with the provisions hereinafter specified:
   .010   Design. Each drive-through lane shall be a separate lane from the circulation routes and lanes necessary for ingress to, or egress from, the property or access to any off-street parking spaces. Each such lane shall be striped, marked or otherwise distinctively delineated.
   .020   No Lane in Landscape Setback. No drive-through or drive-up lane shall be located in any required landscape setback area.
   .030   Location of Lane Entrance. The beginning point of a drive-through lane shall be located not closer than 25 feet from the ultimate right of way line of any adjacent public street providing direct access to the lane.
   .040   Stacking Spaces. Businesses that provide drive-through facilities are required to provide spaces for vehicles waiting in line. Required stacking spaces shall be a minimum nine (9) feet wide and twenty-two (22) feet in length and shall not be counted as required on-site parking spaces. Stacking spaces shall be located to prevent any vehicles from extending onto the public right-of-way, or interfering with any pedestrian circulation, traffic maneuvering, or other parking space areas. The design of the stacking arrangement shall be reviewed and approved in conjunction with the conditional use permit required for the proposed use.
   .050   Design of Multiple Lanes. The design of all drive-through lanes for any facility utilizing two (2) or more such lanes shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. Design and approval shall be based upon information contained in a traffic engineering study prepared by an independent traffic engineer licensed by the State of California, or such other study as approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager, and provided to the City by the developer, at such developer's sole expense, at the time of application for such use.
      .0501   The study required by the provisions of this subsection shall contain and address the following factors:
         .01   Nature of the product or service being offered, including peaking characteristics for the twenty (20) highest periods of the year;
         .02   Method by which the order, request, sale or service is processed;
         .03   Time required to serve a typical customer;
         .04   Arrival rate of customers;
         .05   Time period over which customers will arrive at stated rate;
         .06   Anticipated length of queuing;
         .07   Discussion of ambient circulation and parking, either proposed or existing;
         .08   Location of storage areas with respect to parking spaces or circulation aisles;
         .09   Discussion of potential blockages due to queue; and
         .10   Mitigation measures.
      .0502   The study shall include a scale drawing delineating all parking spaces, circulation facilities, driveways and the nearest public street.
      .0503   Each such lane shall be designed to prevent circulation congestion, both on-site and on public and private streets and accessways. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6210 §§ 2, 3; May 17, 2011.)