.010 Applicable Provisions. The provisions of Chapter 18.44 (Signs), Chapter 4.04 (Outdoor Advertising Signs and Structures – General), and Chapter 4.09 (Outdoor Advertising of Motel and Hotel Rental Rates) shall apply to signs and advertising structures in the (BCC) Overlay Zone to the extent such provisions are not inconsistent with this chapter.
.020 Signs Approved in Conjunction with Conditional Use Permits. Approval of any conditional use permit shall be deemed to constitute approval of any on-site signs that are otherwise permitted in the (BCC) Overlay Zone, unless, as part of the action approving the conditional use permit, more restrictive sign requirements are imposed.
.030 Legal Nonconforming Signs – General. Any sign or other advertising display or structure of whatever type or nature, other than an illegal sign, which violates or otherwise does not comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter, shall be subject to compliance with the regulations prescribed herein in the time and manner hereinafter set forth.
.0301 Any legal nonconforming sign or sign structure in existence in the (BCC) Overlay Zone as of April 6, 1999, that violates or otherwise does not conform to the provisions hereof, shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter (hereinafter, the "abatement") within fifteen (15) years after the date the sign first becomes nonconforming to the provisions of this chapter, or on such earlier date as may be designated in conformance with the requirements specified in Chapter 2.5 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, or any successor provisions thereto. In no event shall abatement be required, unless and until the owner of the sign has received not less than one (1) year's advance, written notice, directing removal or alteration of the sign.
.0302 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following provisions apply:
.01 Any advertising display that was lawfully erected and does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, but whose use has ceased, or the structure upon which the display exists has been abandoned by its owner, for a period of not less than ninety (90) days, shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter, within six (6) months from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the City requiring such abatement. Costs incurred by the City in removing an abandoned display shall be borne by or charged to the legal owner of the real property upon which said sign is located.
.02 Any advertising display structure that does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, which has been more than fifty percent (50%) destroyed (by valuation of the sign), and the destruction is other than facial copy replacement, and said structure cannot be repaired within thirty (30) days of the date of its destruction, shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter, within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the City requiring such abatement.
.03 Any advertising display which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, whose owner requests permission to remodel (outside of a change of facial copy), and remodels that advertising display, or expands or enlarges the building, or intensifies the land use upon which the advertising display is located, and the display is affected by the construction, enlargement or remodeling of the building, shall remove, alter or replace such sign so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter in conjunction with said project.
.04 Any advertising display which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, for which there has been an agreement between the advertising display owner and the City for its removal as of any given date, shall remove such sign in accordance with the provisions of said agreement.
.05 Any advertising display, which may become a danger to the public or is unsafe, shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter, within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the City requiring such removal or alteration. Any advertising display that poses an immediate danger to public health or safety shall be abated, as provided in the written order of abatement from the City.
.06 Any advertising display, which is determined by the City Engineer to constitute a traffic hazard not created by the relocation of streets or highways or by acts of the City, shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter, as provided in the written order of abatement from the City requiring such removal or alteration.
.07 Any other advertising display which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, for which the City is exempt from the payment of compensation in conjunction with requiring its removal, as specified in Chapter 2.5 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, or any successor provisions thereto, shall be subject to removal as specified in said Code.
.08 Illegal Signs. Illegal signs, as defined in Chapter 44 (Signs), shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter, within six (6) months following April 6, 1999. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004.)