.010   Prior to installation, a Landscape Documentation Package shall be submitted to the City for review and approval of all Landscape Projects subject to the provisions of this Chapter. Any Landscape Documentation Package submitted to the City shall comply with the provisions of the Guidelines.
   0.20   Except as expressly stated otherwise, the Landscape Documentation Package shall include a certification by a professional appropriately licensed in the State of California stating that the landscape design and water use calculations have been prepared by or under the supervision of the licensed professional and are certified to be in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and the Guidelines. The following requirements shall also apply:
   .01   Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the City for review and approval with appropriate water use calculations.
   .02   Water use calculations shall be consistent with calculations contained in the Guidelines and shall be provided to the City, as appropriate, under procedures determined by the City.
   .03   Verification of compliance of the landscape installation with the approved plans shall be obtained through a completed prescriptive compliance form and/or a Landscape Installation Certificate of Completion as provided in the Guidelines. (Ord. 5349 § 1 (part); January 12, 1993: Ord. 6160 § 1 (part); December 8, 2009: Ord. 6355 § 3 (part); January 26, 2016.)