A.   Whenever it shall be shown that any permit holder has violated any of the provisions of this chapter, the License Collector may suspend the permit by serving written notice on the permit holder no less than two business days prior to the suspension. The notice shall be served by personal service or by deposit in United States Postal Service, certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address specified in the permit application or any amendment thereto. The notice shall state with specificity the reasons for the suspension and how it can be removed, that the permit will be revoked unless, within ten days after the notice is served, the suspension is either removed or appealed to the City Council, and the method of appeal.
   B.   If the violation concerns the manner of solicitation as set forth in Section 7.32.070, the License Collector shall lift the suspension and proposed revocation if the permit holder discharges the offending solicitors. If the violation involves the disclosure of information as set forth in Section 7.32.040, the License Collector shall lift the suspension and proposed revocation if the permit holder amends the application.
   C.   Any permit holder aggrieved by any action of the License Collector to suspend or revoke a permit may appeal to the City Council by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk. Such appeal shall state with specificity the reasons therefor and shall be filed within ten days after the notice of suspension and proposed revocation is personally served or deposited in the United States mail.
   D.   The appeal shall be heard at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting held at least ten days after the appeal is filed. At the time of the hearing, the Council shall hear all relevant evidence and shall determine the merits of the appeal and it shall render a decision thereon within three business days after the hearing. Said decision shall be in writing, shall state with specificity the reasons therefor, and shall be served upon the applicant within two days thereafter by personal service or by deposit in the United States Postal Service, certified mail, return receipt requested.
   E.   The filing of an appeal with the Council shall not stay the action of the License Collector. If the permit holder does not file a timely appeal, as required by subsection (C) of this section, the permit holder shall have waived all rights to administrative remedy. (Ord. 4553 § 2 (part); November 20, 1984.)