A.   This chapter shall be enforced in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 1.20 of this code, relating to the issuance of citations, imposing administrative fines, right to appeal, and the right for an administrative hearing.
   B.   The Fire Chief or any designated representative of the Fire Department is authorized and may enforce the provisions of this chapter. In addition to any other persons authorized by law, the Fire Chief or any representative of the Fire Department or Police Department of the City of Anaheim, or other City official authorized to enforce the Anaheim Municipal Code may seize, take, remove or cause to be removed all stock of fireworks offered or exposed for sale, manufactured, sold, possessed, stored, handled, discharged or used in violation of this chapter, and shall have the duty of enforcing the provisions of this chapter. Any seizure or removal pursuant to this section shall be in compliance with all applicable statutory, constitutional, and decisional law. In connection with such enforcement, they are authorized to enter, free of charge, at any reasonable time, any place of business, or to approach any person apparently conducting or employed in the operation of a business or the manufacture, sale, possession, storage, handling, discharge or use of prohibited fireworks, to verify compliance with the provisions of this chapter and with the Uniform Fire Code and any other Anaheim Municipal Code provisions related to fireworks enforcement. Such persons are hereby authorized to issue citations to persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter to appear in the Court of the North Orange County Judicial District at a time fixed in the citation and such citation shall be deemed to be a complaint charging violations of this chapter. (Ord. 4779 (part); November 18, 1986: Ord. 6323 § 5; May 5, 2015: Ord. 6407 § 1 (part); April 25, 2017.)