.010   Establishment. The Senior Citizen Commission is hereby established pursuant to Section 900 of the Charter of the City of Anaheim.
   .020   Composition. The Senior Citizen Commission shall consist of seven (7) members.
   .030   Qualifications. Each member of the Commission shall be sixty (60) years of age or older, a resident of the City of Anaheim at the time of appointment and during the entire tenure of service on the Commission, and shall not hold any paid office or employment in the City government.
   .040   Term of Office. Each member of the Commission shall serve a term that runs concurrently with the current term of the elected official who appointed the member and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified.
   .050   Unscheduled Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term of a Commission member shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of such term. The vacancy shall be filled by the affirmative vote of the elected official who appointed the member at a public meeting.
   .060   Organization, Meetings and Procedures.
   .0601   The Commission shall elect one of its members as a chairperson on an annual basis, which chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Commission and shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The Commission shall also elect one of its members as a vice-chairperson on an annual basis, which vice-chairperson shall preside at meetings from which the chairperson is absent.
   .0602   The Commission shall meet regularly at least six times each year and shall hold such other meetings as from time to time shall be called in the manner and form required by law. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Section 904 of the Anaheim City Charter. Regular meeting dates and times shall be established by the Commission. A majority of the total number of members of the Commission then in office shall constitute a quorum.
   .0603   The meetings and procedures of the Commission shall be subject to and governed by the resolutions and ordinances of the City Council establishing rules and regulations for City boards and commissions.
   .070   Powers and Duties. The Senior Citizen Commission shall act in an advisory capacity and shall have the power and duty to:
   .0701   Advise the City Council as to the needs of the senior citizens within the community and make recommendations to the City Council of possible City or community projects that would directly affect Anaheim senior citizens;
   .0702   Meet at least six times per year to act on matters referred to it by the City Council and receive input regarding senior citizen needs and projects that would assist in meeting those needs; and
   .0703   Perform such additional functions as may be delegated or required by the City Council from time to time.
   .080    No Compensation. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. (Ord. 6415 § 2: July 11, 2017.)