195.01 PURPOSE
   For the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of enforcing and administering the tax provided for in this section; and for planning, constructing, improving, maintaining and repairing public roads, highways, and streets; maintaining and repairing bridges and viaducts; paying the municipal corporation's portion of the costs and expenses of cooperating with the department of transportation in the planning, improvement and construction of State highways; paying the municipal corporation's portion of the compensation, damages, cost and expenses of planning, constructing, reconstructing, improving, maintaining and repairing roads and streets; paying any costs apportioned to the municipal corporation under Ohio R.C. 4907.47; paying debt service charges on notes or bonds of the municipal corporation issued for such purposes; purchasing, erecting and maintaining street and traffic signs and markers; purchasing, erecting and maintaining traffic lights and signals; and to supplement revenue already available for such purposes, there is hereby levied an annual license tax, in addition to the tax levied by Ohio R.C. 4503.02, 4503.07, 4503.18 and 4504.06, upon the operation of motor vehicles on the public roads or highways.
(Ord. 89-30. Passed 5-12-89.)