The following shall apply to mobile ice cream vending only, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter:
   (a)   The mobile vending permit and any other required licenses or permits must be affixed to the front windshield in the lower corner on the passenger side;
   (b)   Advertising decals are limited to the name of the permitted vendor the types of wares permitted for purchase and the price lists of those items and product decals and price lists may only be displayed on the passenger side;
   (c)   All sales must take place between 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.;
   (d)   Mobile ice cream vendors may only sell pre-wrapped or prepackaged ice cream, frozen yogurt, frozen custard, frozen or self-serve dairy products, or similar frozen dessert products;
   (e)   Mobile ice cream vendors may only operate in residential zoning districts or planned development districts containing residential dwelling units;
   (f)   Mobile ice cream vendors may not operate:
      (1)   Within forty (40) feet of an intersection;
      (2)   Within forty (40) feet of any stop sign, flashing beacon, yield sign or other traffic control sign or sign on the side of a roadway;
      (3)   In any manner that impedes the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on any public street or sidewalk;
   (g)   Vending can only take place on the passenger side of the truck;
   (h)   Vendors must pull as far as practicable to the side of the street when stopping to make sales;
   (i)   Emergency flashers must be operating at all times while the vendor is stationary;
   (j)   No horns, amplification systems, or other sound-producing devices or music systems may be used when the truck is stationary or at any time other than authorized times of operation;
   (k)   Mobile ice cream vendors may not operate within two blocks of any school when the school is in session.
      (Ord. 0-18-25. Passed 7-9-18.)