(a)    No member of Council or any elected or appointed official or employee of the City shall:
      (1)    Act directly or indirectly as attorney, agent, broker or employee or in any other capacity in behalf of any private person, firm or corporation interested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in any contract, work or business, or in the sale or acquisition of any property, the cost of which is payable from City funds; or
(2)    Engage in the practice of law or to represent or to appear in behalf of an individual or individuals before any court in any matter or controversy in which the City is a party except on behalf of the City as an officer or employee, or volunteer opinion evidence against the interests of the City in any litigation in which the City is a party; or
   (3)    Appear before any board or commission of the City except in the performance of public obligations or official duties, except that such elected or appointed officials or City employees may appear before a board or commission subject to written recommendation of the Board of Ethics and written approval of Council to such recommendation.
   (b)    No person within a period of one year after termination of his services as an elected or appointed official or employee of the City shall appear before any board or commission of the City as counsel, attorney or agent for or in behalf of any firm, person or corporation, or receive compensation for any services rendered thereto, in relation to any matter which was under his charge during the period of his services as such elected or appointed official or employee.
   (c)    A member of Council or the administration shall publicly disclose on the official records of Council any direct or financial interest or other personal or private right he may have in any legislation pending before Council prior to its third reading and passage, provided that the failure of any member of Council to make such disclosure does not affect the validity of the legislation.
   (d)    There is hereby established a Board of Ethics, consisting of three members who shall be residents of the City, or both political parties and appointed by the Executive and Annexation Committee of Council, with approval of Council. Such members shall serve without compensation for three-year terms, except that of the original appointment one member shall be appointed for a three-year term, one shall be appointed for a two-year term and one shall be appointed for a one-year term. The Board shall select its own chairman and set its own rules.
   It shall be the duty of the Board to render advisory opinions with respect to subsections (a) through (c) hereof. Such advisory opinions shall be rendered pursuant to the written request of a member of Council or of any elected or appointed official or employee of the City.
(Ord. 70-17. Passed 6-22-70.)