An application for general development plan review shall include a plan for the entire area of the proposed project. The application, including the general development plan, and a sufficient number of copies as determined by the Building Inspector, along with the application fee shall be submitted to the Building Inspector at least twenty-nine days prior to the meeting at which such plan is to be considered. The general development plan shall be drawn to an appropriate scale and shall indicate:
   (a)    The location of all existing structures and access points;
   (b)    The general location of existing buildings, parking areas and access drives on parcels within 200 feet of the site;
   (c)    The general location of lots, common open space and other common areas;
   (d)    The general use and location of all proposed construction including buildings, structures, parking areas, and access points;
   (e)    The location of existing and proposed topography, major vegetation features, and wooded areas;
   (f)    The general layout of the proposed internal road system, indicating the proposed vehicular right-of-way of all proposed public streets and pedestrian circulation;
   (g)    Pedestrian circulation, including conformance with all applicable plans of the City;
   (h)    A summary table showing total acres of the proposed development, the number of acres devoted to each type of use, including streets and common open space, and the number of proposed dwelling units by type;
   (i)    Proposed phases if the project is to be developed in stages, indicating the phases during which any common facilities are anticipated to be constructed; and
   (j)    Other documentation needed for the review of the general development plan as may be needed to evaluate the general concept of the proposed development.
      (Ord. 06-18. Passed 2-27-06.)