(a)    When a minor alteration is proposed to an existing building structure, or site arrangement on a zoning lot otherwise subject to development plan review, or on a previously approved development plan, the Building Inspector may make a preliminary determination that such proposal is not subject to development plan review.
   (b)    For the purposes of this section, a minor alteration shall include the following:
      (1)   Small incidental construction of accessory structures;
      (2)    Incidental additions or alterations to principal buildings on large zoning lots; and
      (3)    Proposed construction of a building or structure that is substantially distant and screened from adjacent roadways and property lines so as to have no impact on the surrounding properties.
   (c)    The applicant shall submit a scaled drawing indicating the proposed minor alteration.
   (d)    The Building Inspector shall review the proposal to determine that the proposal is not contrary to this Planning and Zoning Code and will not result in any material adverse impact to the site or surrounding areas. In making this determination, the Building Inspector shall forward the application to the appropriate City departments for review and comment. Any reports or comments shall be returned to the Building Inspector within ten days from the date the application was submitted.
   (e)    When the Building Inspector makes such determination, the proposal shall then be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. At such meeting the Planning Commission shall, by motion and majority vote, either:
      (1)   Confirm the Building Inspector's preliminary determination, in which case the Building Inspector may issue a building permit; or
      (2)    Overturn the Building Inspector's determination and in so doing require that the proposal fully comply with the development plan review procedures set forth in this Chapter.
         (Ord. 06-18. Passed 2-27-06.)