(a)   All grave spaces purchased must be reserved. Only those graves reserved for residents, pay resident rates. All others must pay non resident rate. No matter who is purchasing the lots.
   (b)   Lots may be transferred to family members that reside in the City of Amherst, Ohio for $25.00 (deed transfer fee). If family member resides outside the City of Amherst, Ohio, they must pay 1/2 of current cost for non resident, plus the $25.00 (deed transfer fee). Must show proof of relationship.
   (c)   No deed transfer to non family members. Lots must be sold back to City of Amherst, Ohio at the cost when the lots were originally purchased, and resold at current rate.
   (d)   City of Amherst, Ohio has first refusal for lots to be sold by previous owner. Lots are bought back by the City of Amherst, Ohio at the rate that the lots were purchased.
   (e)   All debts to the cemetery for the burial lot must be paid in full before interment.
   (f)   One grave space must be paid in full at time of purchase. Remaining spaces will be held in reserve for no more than six (6) months, with a deposit of one-half (1/2) of the total amount owed on remaining spaces, at which time full payment must be received. If purchaser does not follow through with the transaction, only one-half (1/2) of the deposited money will be returned.
   (g)   All full body burials must have a vault of either concrete or steel.
   (h)   No more than four (4) cremation urns per grave space or one (1) full body burial and one (1) cremation urn per grave space.
   (i)   Only one marker per grave space unless second marker is a government issued marker for a person that is listed on the other memorial on the grave.
   (j)   To help maintain the upkeep of the cemeteries and possible future purchase of more land for development for a cemetery, we ask that 10% of all foundations, 10% of all opening and closing charges and all money received for lots held in reserve, but not paid for in full within the allotted time, be placed in an account in the General Fund (to be kept separate) to be held in its entirety and only the interest to be withdrawn for improvements in existing cemeteries and no more than one-half (1/2) of the money deposited can be withdrawn for the purchase of new land for the sole purpose to be used as a cemetery.
   (k)   City of Amherst, Ohio reserves the right in the sale or burial of a single grave, to designate the location of said lot.
(Ord. 03-06. Passed 1-27-03.)