(a)   To provide advice and consultation to the administration on technology-related issues as requested.
   (b)   To review legislation involving the following items: (Items should be submitted first to the Board for its review and comment during the legislative processes of City Council.)
      (1)   Plans, tactics or strategies involving Technology;
      (2)   Documentation of minimum skill level (core competencies) for various personnel position in technology (cable and systems);
      (3)   Expenditures that are outside of the City of Amherst adopted standards. These areas include:
         A.   Expenditure of funds for any computer software, hardware or consultants;
         B.   Expenditure of funds for any analog system within any City department;
         C.   Expenditure of funds for any digital system within any City department;
      (4)   Cable Television station, consultants, equipment or operation;
      (5)   Contracts, correspondence or requests from the cable television contractor;
      (6)   Review the annual budget from Cable Television and coordination of its presentation to Council.
   (c)   Evaluation of customer complaints about Cable TV or other technology services and formulation of recommendations to address these complaints. (This function shall be conducted in cooperation with the Safety Service Director.)
   (d)   Maintain minutes of all meetings of the Board and provide copies of said minutes to the Mayor and the Clerk of Council.
   (e)   Serve as advisory to the Technology Committee of Amherst City Council.
   The recommendations of the Board shall be presented to City Council during committee discussions of proposed legislation. A representative of the Board may attend the City Council meeting at which the legislation is being considered to answer questions. If the Board should determine that the proposed legislation is incomplete, requires further investigation or is an inappropriate resolution to the matter presented, the Board has the prerogative to return such legislation to the originator without approval but with sufficient comment to enable resolution and reconsideration. Recommendations of the Board should be in written form.
(Ord. 02-31. Passed 4-8-02.)