(a)   No person shall violate or cause or knowingly permit to be violated any of the provisions of this regulation, or fail to comply with any of such provisions or with any lawful requirements of any public authority made pursuant to this regulation, or knowingly use or cause or permit the use of any lands in violation of this regulation or in violation of any permit granted under this regulation.
   (b)   Violations of these regulations which will result in enforcement actions, include but are not limited to:
      (1)   Failure to install control practices specified in the state and federal permits.
      (2)   Improper installation of control practices according to “Rainwater and Land Development” and/or as recommended by the manufacturer.
      (3)   Inadequate design and/or unacceptable performance of the control practices as judged by the Amherst City Engineer.
      (4)   Failure to properly maintain control practices put in place as judged by the Amherst City Engineer.
      (5)   Failure to remove control practices after the site has reached final stabilization.
         (Ord. 05-89. Passed 11-14-05.)