(a)   Buffer Area. There shall be a minimum setback area from any residential district of 300 lineal feet, which shall remain open, unoccupied and maintained by the property owner. This area shall not include any front, side or rear yard area.
   (b)   Frontage. There shall be a minimum frontage of 150 lineal feet of each parcel paralleling an improved, dedicated and accepted street or highway.
   (c)   Front Yard. There shall be a minimum front yard setback from the street right-of- way line of sixty (60) lineal feet, which shall establish the building line and which area shall be used only for approved landscaping and access driveways.
   (d)   Side Yard. On any corner parcel, there shall be a minimum side yard setback from the street right-of-way line sixty (60) lineal feet in width for the full depth of the parcel as it abuts the streets and side yard of twenty-five (25) lineal feet in width along the full depth of the next abutting parcel. For all other parcels, there shall be two (2) side yards, each having a minimum width of twenty-five (25) lineal feet for the full depth of the parcel. In addition to the prescribed landscaping, such side yards may be used only for access driveways.
   (e)   Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard utility right-of-way easement area of not less than twenty (20) lineal feet in width along each parcel property line which may be within the setback area required under subsection (a) hereof. For abutting parcels within the I-1 District, the subject easement shall include the abutting ten (10) lineal feet on each side of the property line. All poles, wires, conduits and other accessories for telephone, electricity and other services shall be located upon and over the rear twenty (20) feet of any lot, tract or parcel and shall not be located adjacent to any street or improved road. In addition to any applicable easement right-of-way area, there shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty-five (25) lineal feet in width along the full width of each parcel, which area, in addition to the prescribed landscaping, may be used for approved access driveways.
   All areas not otherwise occupied by building structures, streets, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots or storage areas shall be landscaped and maintained with sod, trees, shrubbery or other approved appurtenances.
   Except for authorized transporting, parking, recreation and storing, all business operations shall be conducted inside of the designed buildings. No minor street as defined in Section 1103.26 of the Subdivision Regulations may be used for access to this district.
(Ord. 20-13. Passed 3-23-20.)