No individual, corporation or partnership shall operate as a private investigator or security guard provider or shall engage in the business of private investigation or the business of security services within the City until such individual, corporation or partnership has registered with the Police Department and upon registration has provided the following:
(a) The name, current address and social security number, if an individual or partnership, of the individual, partnership or corporation holding the Class A, B or C license issued by the State of Ohio Department of Commerce pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4749.03 under which such individual, partnership or corporation is operating, and a copy of such license shall be supplied to the Police Department upon registration; and
(b) The names, current address and social security number of all employees engaged in the business of private investigation, the business of security services, or both, are registered with the Police Department and a copy of the identification card furnished by the State of Ohio Department of Commerce to such an employee is supplied to the Police Department upon registration.
(Ord. 88-16. Passed 3-28-88.)