150.01 Purposes; scope; interpretation; short title
150.02 Interpretation of terminology
150.03 Definitions
150.04 Zoning instruments
150.05 A-1 Agriculture District
150.06 R-1 Residential District
150.07 R-2 Manufactured Home Park District
150.08 B-1 Highway Business District
150.09 B-2 General Business District
150.10 I-1 Industrial District
150.11 General performance standards for all properties
150.12 Parking and loading regulations
150.13 Sign regulations
150.14 Trucks, trailers, and campers
150.15 Satellite dishes and other dishes
150.16 Building and construction of residential swimming pools and spas
150.17 Nonconforming uses of land or structures
150.18 Conditional use permits
150.19 Variances
150.20 Planning Commission
150.21 Zoning permits
150.22 Amendment
150.23 Enforcement
150.24 Effective date
150.99 Penalty
(A) Purposes. This chapter is enacted for the following purposes: to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the city, by lessening congestion in the streets, securing safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; providing adequate light and air; preventing the overcrowding of land; avoiding undue concentration of population; facilitating the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, park and other public requirements, conserving the value of properties; and encouraging the most appropriate use of land.
(B) Scope. From and after the effective date of this chapter, the use of all land and every building or portion of a building erected, altered, and with respect to height and area, added to or relocated and every use within a building or use accessory thereto, in the city shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. Any existing building or structure and any existing use of properties not in conformity with the regulations herein prescribed shall be regarded as nonconforming, but may be continued, extended, or changed subject to the special regulations herein provided with respect to nonconforming properties or uses.
(C) Interpretation. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this chapter, they shall be held to be minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare. Where the provisions of this chapter impose greater restrictions than those of any statute, other ordinance, or regulation, the provisions of this chapter shall be controlling. Where the provisions of any statute, other ordinance, or regulation impose greater restrictions than this chapter, the provisions of the statute, other ordinance, or regulation shall be controlling.
(D) Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Amboy.
(Ord. 106, passed 3-13-1995)
For the purpose of this chapter:
(A) Words used in the present tense shall include the future; words in the singular shall include the plural, and the plural the singular;
(B) The word “person” shall include a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company, or corporation as well as an individual;
(C) The word “shall” is mandatory and not discretionary;
(D) The word “may” is permissive;
(E) The word “lot” shall include the words “plot,” “piece,” and “parcel”; and
(F) The word “used for” shall include the phrases “arranged for,” “designed for,” “intended for,” “maintained for,” and “occupied for.”
(Ord. 106, passed 3-13-1995)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ACCESSORY BUILDING. A secondary building which is located on the same lot as the main building and the use of which is clearly incidental to the use of the main building. The building shall not exceed 10 feet by 12 feet and 12 feet to the peak.
AGRICULTURE. The art or science of cultivating the soil and activities incidental thereto; the growing of soil crops in the customary manner on open tracts of land; the accessory raising of livestock and poultry but excluding livestock feedlots and extensive poultry farming. The term shall include incidental retail selling by the producer of products raised on the premises, provided that space necessary for parking of vehicles of customers shall be furnished outside the public right-of-way.
ALLEY. A public right-of-way less than 25 feet in width which provides secondary access to abutting property.
ALTERATION. As applied to a building or structure, is a change or rearrangement in the structural parts, or enlargement or the moving from 1 location or position to another.
APARTMENT. A room or suite or rooms designed for, intended for, or used as a residence for 1 family or individual and equipped with cooking facilities.
APARTMENT BUILDING. Three or more apartments grouped in 1 building.
AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION OR FILLING STATION. A place where gasoline, kerosene, or any other motor fuel or lubrication oil or grease for operating motor vehicles is offered for sale and delivered directly into motor vehicles including greasing and oiling.
BED AND BREAKFAST. A building of residential design which is the owner’s personal residence and is occupied by the owner at the time of rental that provides 4 or fewer rooms for rent to guests. For purposes of this definition, the term GUEST shall mean persons renting the accommodations for a total period of time not to exceed 14 days during any consecutive 90-day period. Guests are allowed to use the living room, dining room, and the like areas of the residence as common areas available to everyone.
(Ord. passed 11-6-1996)
BLOCK. A tract of land bounded by streets, or a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, shorelines, waterways, or boundary lines of the corporate limits of the city.
BOARDING HOUSE. A building other than a hotel or motel, where for compensation and by pre-arrangements for definite periods, meals, or lodging and meals, are provided for 3 or more persons not members of the immediate family therein.
BUILDING. Any structure for the shelter, support, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattel, or property of any kind; and when separated by part walls without openings, each portion of the building so separated shall be deemed a separate building.
BUILDING, DETACHED. A building surrounded by open space, the open space being on the same zoning lot as the building.
BUILDING, HEIGHT OF. The vertical distance from the grade at the front wall of the building to the highest point of the roof.
BULK AND DENSITY CONTROLS. Those regulations or controls which specify the setback lines, lot sizes, building height, maximum ground coverage, lot width, and lot depth.
CLINIC. A place used for the care, diagnosis, and treatment of sick, ailing, infirm, and injured persons and those who are in need or medical or surgical attention, but who are not provided with board or room nor kept overnight on the premises.
CLUB. A nonprofit association of persons who are bona fide members, paying regular dues, and are organized for some common purpose, but not including a group organized solely or primarily to render a service customarily carried on as a commercial enterprise.
COMMUNITY SEWER SYSTEM. A system of sewer control and processing serving a group of buildings and lots with the design and construction of the systems as approved by the State of Minnesota.
DISTRICT ZONING. A section of the city for which the regulations governing the height, area, use of building and premises are the same as delineated by the Zoning Map.
DWELLING. A building or portion thereof designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including 1-family, 2-family, and multiple-family units, but not including hotels, motels, boarding or lodging houses.
DWELLING, 2-FAMILY. A dwelling designed exclusively for occupancy by 2 families living independent of each other.
DWELLING, ATTACHED (GROUP, ROW, OR TOWNHOUSE). A dwelling joined to other dwellings by a party wall or walls.
DWELLING, DETACHED. A dwelling entirely surrounded by open space, the open space being on the same zoning lot as the dwelling.
DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY. A dwelling containing 3 or more dwelling units, designed with more than 1 dwelling unit connecting to a common corridor or entranceway, originally constructed for the purpose; and not including converted dwellings or attached row dwellings (party-wall type) as defined herein.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY. A detached dwelling containing accommodations for and occupied by 1 family only.
DWELLING UNIT. Two or more rooms in a dwelling designed for occupancy by 1 family for living purposes and having its own permanently installed cooking and sanitary facilities.
EARTH-SHELTERED BUILDING. A building constructed so that 50% or more of the exterior is covered or in contact with earth. Exterior surface includes all walls and roof, but excludes garages and other accessory buildings. Earth covering on walls is measured from the floor of the structure’s lowest level. Earth covering on the roof must be at least 12 inches deep to be included in calculations in earth covering. An earth sheltered building must satisfy the building code standard promulgated pursuant to M.S. § 16.85, as it may be amended from time to time. Partially completed buildings shall not be considered earth sheltered. Basement homes shall not be considered earth sheltered.
EASEMENT. A grant by a property owner for the use of a strip of land for the purpose of constructing and maintaining utilities, including, but not limited to sanitary sewers, water mains, electric lines, telephone lines, storm sewer or storm drainage ways and gas lines.
FAMILY. Any number of individuals related by blood, marriage, adoption or foster care, or not more than 5 persons not so related, maintaining a common household and using common cooking and kitchen facilities; as distinguished from a group occupying a boarding house, lodging house, hotel, or motel.
FAMILY, IMMEDIATE. Persons related by blood, marriage, or certified legal instrument.
FARM. A tract of land, 10 acres or more in size, or a tract producing in excess of $2,000 annual value of agricultural products and used for the production of cash crops. The farm may include an agricultural dwelling and accessory buildings and structures necessary to the operation of the farm.
FEEDLOT. A lot or building, or combination of contiguous lots and buildings, intended for the confined feeding, breeding, raising, or holding of animals and specifically designed as a confinement area in which manure may accumulate, or where the concentration of animals is such that a vegetative cover cannot be maintained within the enclosure. For purposes of these parts, open lots used for feeding and rearing of poultry (poultry ranges) and barns, dairy farms, swine facilities, beef lots and barns, horse stalls, mink ranches, and domesticated animal zoos shall be considered to be animal feedlots. Pastures shall not be considered animal feedlots under these parts.
FRONTAGE. All the property fronting on 1 side of a street between the nearest intersecting street or between a street or right-of-way, waterway, or other similar barrier.
GARAGE, PRIVATE. An accessory building or accessory portion of a principal building designed and used for the storage of private passenger vehicles of the family or families resident in the principal building, and in which no business, service, or industry is conducted.
GARAGE, PUBLIC. Any structure except those described as a private garage, used for the storage or care of power-driven vehicles, or where any such vehicles are equipped for operation, repair, or are kept for renumeration, hire or sale.
HOME OCCUPATION. An occupation or profession carried on by an occupant of a dwelling as an accessory activity to the main use of the premises as a dwelling. It shall not change the residential character thereof and will meet the following restrictions.
(1) Not more than 1 person shall be employed other than persons residing on the premises.
(2) The occupation shall be conducted wholly within the dwelling or an accessory building.
(3) Floor area devoted to the occupation shall not exceed 25% of the area of the main floor of the principal dwelling and/or attached or detached accessory building.
(4) The home occupations shall not require internal or external alterations or involved construction features not customarily found in dwellings.
(5) Conduct of the home occupation does not generate more noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odor, dust, electrical interference or hazards or nuisances noticeable outside of the dwelling and/or accessory building than normally associated with residential occupancy in the neighborhood and shall not be objectionable to adjacent residences due to hours of operation.
(6) There shall be no display or evidence apparent from the exterior of the lot that the premises are being used for any purpose other than that of a dwelling except that 1 sign, 1-1/2 square feet, non-illuminated and attached to the dwelling shall be allowed.
(7) The use shall not generate sewage of a nature or rate greater than that normally associated with residential occupancy, nor shall it generate hazardous waste or solid waste at a rate greater than that normally associated with residential occupancy.
(8) No home occupations will be allowed that jeopardize the health and safety of residents in the city.
(9) There shall be no renting of dwelling or yard space in a residential zoned area for nonresidential purposes.
(10) Rental of attached and detached accessory buildings for motorized vehicles and/or recreational vehicles is permitted.
(11) All nonconforming home occupations legally existing prior to the adoption of this definition shall be allowed to continue but shall not be allowed to expand, rebuild, relocate, replace, or alter without being brought into compliance with all the requirements of this definition.
(Am. Ord. passed 11-6-1996)
HOTEL. A building occupied as a temporary abiding place of individuals who are lodged with or without meals in which there are more than 5 sleeping rooms and wherein no provisions made for cooking in any individual room or apartment.
JUNK YARD/SALVAGE YARD. Land or buildings where waste, discarded or salvaged materials are brought, sold, stored, exchanged, cleaned, packed, disassembled or handled, including, but not limited to scrap metal, rags, paper, hides, rubber products, glass products, lumber products and products resulting from the wrecking of automobiles or other machinery. JUNK YARDS/SALVAGE YARDS are not permitted in any zoning district in the City of Amboy.
KENNEL. A place where more than 3 dogs or more than 4 cats or a combination of both dogs and cats exceeding 4 in number and over 3 months of age are kept, harbored, or maintained. KENNELS are permitted only in areas specifically zoned within the city for the use.
(Am. Ord. passed 10-2-1995)
LOT. A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a principal structure or group of structures and accessory structures together with the yards, open spaces, lot width and lot area as are required by this chapter, and having the required frontage upon a street, either shown and identified by lot number on a plat of record, or considered as a unit of property and described by metes and bounds. The lot shall be bounded by lines, as defined herein.
LOT AREA. The area located within the lot lines and not including that portion of the platted lot which is presently being used as or dedicated for street or public right-of-way.
LOT, CORNER. A lot situated at the junction of, and abutting on 2 or more intersecting streets, or a lot at the point of deflection in alignment of a continuous street, the interior angle of which does not exceed 135 degrees.
LOT, DEPTH. The mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line of a lot.
LOT LINE, FRONT. The boundary of a lot which abuts an existing or dedicated public street. In the case of a corner bare lot it shall be that street line designated by the owner and filed with the Zoning Officer which shall hereafter be the front lot line. In the case of a corner lot with an existing building located thereon, the lot line facing the front side of the structure shall hereafter be the front lot line.
LOT LINE, REAR. The boundary of a lot which is opposite the front lot line. If the rear line is less than 10 feet in length, or if the lot forms a point at the rear, the rear lot line shall be a line 10 feet in length within the lot, parallel to, and at the maximum distance from the front lot line.
LOT LINE, SIDE. Any boundary of a lot which is not at a front lot line or a rear lot line.
LOT, MULTIPLE FRONTAGE. A lot having frontage on 2 or more streets.
MANUFACTURED HOME. A structure transportable in 1 or more sections used as a dwelling for 1 family, with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein. No manufactured dwelling shall be moved into the City of Amboy that does not meet the Manufactured Home Building Code as defined in M.S. § 327.31, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time.
MANUFACTURED HOME PARK. A contiguous parcel of land which has been planned for the placement of 2 or more manufactured homes or manufactured home lots.
METES AND BOUNDS. A method of property description by means of their direction and distance from an easily identifiable point.
MODULAR HOME. A non-mobile housing unit that is basically fabricated at a central factory and transported to a building site where final installations are made, permanently affixing the module to the site.
NONCONFORMING BUILDING. A building or portion thereof existing at the time of adoption of this chapter and not conforming to the regulations for the district in which it is situated, except that such a use is not nonconforming if it would be authorized under a conditional use permit where located.
NONCONFORMING USE OF LAND. Any use of a lot which does not conform to the applicable use regulations of the district in which it is located.
NONCONFORMING USE OF STRUCTURES. A use of a structure which does not conform to the applicable use regulations of the district in which it is located.
NURSING HOME. A home designed and licensed to provide care for aged or infirm persons requiring or receiving personal care or custodial care complying with the standards established by the Minnesota State Board of Health.
OPEN SPACE, PUBLIC. Any publicly owned open area, including, but not limited to, the following: parks, playgrounds, school sites, parkways, and streets.
OPEN SPACES. Land areas which are undeveloped and left in their natural states.
OWNER or PROPERTY OWNER. The owner of land or the beneficial owner of land, whose interest is primarily one of ownership or possession and enjoyment in contemplation of ultimate ownership. The term includes, but is not limited to, mortgages and vendors under a contract for deed.
PARKING SPACE. A land area exclusive of driveways and aisles, of the shape and dimensions and so prepared as to be usable for the parking of a motor vehicle, and so located as to be readily accessible to a public street or alley. Truck loading and unloading space shall not be included in the area.
PLANNING COMMISSION. The Planning Commission of the City of Amboy, Minnesota.
PREMISES. A lot or plot with the required front, side, and rear yards for a dwelling or other uses as allowed under this chapter.
PUBLIC UTILITY. Any person, firm, corporation, municipal department, or board fully authorized to furnish under municipal regulation to the public, electricity, gas, steam, communications services, telegraph services, transportation, or water.
ROAD. A public right-of-way affording primary access by pedestrian and vehicles to abutting properties, whether designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, land, place, or however otherwise designated.
SCREENING. The use of plants, materials, fences, or earthen berms to partially conceal the separate land use from the surrounding land uses.
SETBACK LINE. A line within a lot or other parcel of land parallel to a public road, street, or highway right-of-way line defining that minimum distance between the building and property line in which buildings or structures may not be placed.
SIGN. A name, identification, description, display, illustration, or device which is affixed to or represented directly or indirectly upon a building, structure, or land in view of the general public and which directs attention to a product, place, activity, person, institution, or business. Warning signs or public identification signs such as street signs shall be exempt from these regulations when under 2 square feet in size.
SIGN, ADVERTISING. A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, activity, or entertainment not necessarily conducted, sold, or offered upon the premises where such a sign is located.
SIGN, BUSINESS. A sign which directs attention to a business or profession or a commodity, service, or entertainment sold or offered upon the premises where such a sign is located.
SIGN, REAL ESTATE. A sign which directs attention to, and is located on, real estate being offered for sale.
SIGN, SURFACE AREA OF. The entire area within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the actual sign surface, not including any structural elements outside the limits of the sign and not forming an integral part of this display. Only 1 side of a double-face or V-type sign structure shall be used in computing total surface area.
STANDARD, PERFORMANCE. A criterion established in the interest of protecting the public health and safety for the control of noise, odor, smoke, noxious gases, and other objectionable or dangerous elements.
STORY. The portion of the building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it, or, if there is no floor above it, the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it.
STORY, HALF. The portion of a building under a gable, hip, or gambrel roof, the wall plates of which, on at least 2 opposite exterior walls, are not more than 2 feet above the floor of the story.
STREET. A public right-of-way 40 feet or more in width, which provides a primary means of public access to abutting property. The term STREET shall include avenue, drive, circle, road, parkway, boulevard, highway, thoroughfare, or any other similar term. Also, see ROAD.
STREET LINE. The right-of-way line of a street.
STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS. Any change in the supporting members of a building such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders, or any substantial changes in the roof and exterior walls.
STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent location on the ground or attachment to something having a permanent location on the ground. When a structure is divided into separate parts by an unpierced wall, each part shall be deemed a separate structure.
SUBDIVISION. A described tract of land which is to be or has been divided into 2 or more lots or parcels or the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into 2 or more lots, tracts or parcels for the purpose of transferring ownership or building development, or if a new street is involved, any division
or development of a parcel of land. The term shall include
RE-SUBDIVISION of land; provided, however, that the sale or exchange of small parcels of platted land to or between adjoining property owners shall not be considered as a subdivision.
TOWNHOUSE. A single-family dwelling which maintains private ingress and egress, attached to its own foundation, contains no independent dwellings above or below it and is attached to other similar dwellings by a common wall.
TRAVEL TRAILER. A vehicular portable structure built on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses, permanently identified as TRAVEL TRAILER by the manufacturer of the trailer.
USE. The purpose for which land or premises or a building thereon is designated, arranged, or intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained.
USE, ACCESSORY. A use subordinate to the main use on the same lot and used for purposes customarily incidental to those of the main use.
USE, CONDITIONAL. A land use or development as defined by this chapter that may be allowed with appropriate restrictions as provided by official controls upon a finding that:
(1) Certain conditions as detailed in this chapter exist;
(2) The use or development conforms to the Land Use Plan of the city; and
(3) Is compatible with the existing neighborhood.
USE, PERMITTED. A public or private use which of itself conforms with the purposes, objectives, requirements, regulations, and performance standards of a particular district.
VACATION. The act of relinquishing a recorded dedication or easement as in a street right-of-way, utility easement, and the like.
VARIANCE. A modification of the application of the zoning ordinance to a specific lot where, because of unique physical circumstances, strict enforcement would cause an undue hardship or practical difficulties in the use of land.
YARD, FRONT. A yard extending along the full width of the front lot line between side lot lines and extending from the abutting street right-of-way line to depth required in the setback regulations for the zoning in which the lot is located.
YARD, REAR. The portion of the yard on the same lot with the principal building located between the rear line of the building and the rear lot line and extending for the full width of the lot.
YARD, SIDE. The yard extending along the side lot line between the front yard and rear yards to a depth or width required by setback requirements for the zoning district in which the lot is located.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. The designated Zoning Administrator of the City of Amboy, Minnesota. The duties of the Zoning Administrator are currently the responsibility of the Administrative Clerk/Treasurer.
ZONING LOT. A plot of ground, made up of 1 or more parcels of land, which is or may be occupied by a use, building or buildings, including the open spaces required by this chapter.
ZONING MAP. The map or maps incorporated into this chapter as part hereof, designating the zoning districts.
(Ord. 106, passed 3-13-1995; Am. Ord. passed 1-3-2005)
(A) Zoning Map. The location and boundaries of the districts established by this chapter are hereby set forth on the Zoning Map and the map is hereby made a part of this chapter, which map shall be known as the City of Amboy Zoning Map. The Map and all notations, references, and data shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference into this chapter and shall be as much a part of it as if all were fully described herein. It shall be the responsibility of the Administrative Clerk/Treasurer/City Council to maintain the map, and amendments thereto shall be recorded on the zoning map within 30 days after official publication of amendments. The Official Zoning Map shall be kept on file in the office of the Administrative Clerk/Treasurer.
(B) District boundary lines. Wherever any uncertainty exists as to the boundary of any land use district as shown on the Zoning Map incorporated herein, the following rules shall apply.
(1) Where district boundary lines are indicated as following streets, highways, alleys, railroads, or similar rights-of-way, they shall be construed as following the center lines thereof.
(2) Where district boundary lines are indicated as approximately following lot lines or section lines, the lines shall be construed to be the boundaries.
(3) Where district boundary lines are indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated above in this section, it shall be so construed.
(4) Distances not specifically indicated on the Zoning Map shall be determined by the scale of the map.
(5) Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the Zoning Map, or in other circumstances not covered by this division (B), the Board of Adjustment shall interpret the district boundaries.
(6) Where a plotted lot held in 1 ownership and of record at the effective date of this chapter is divided by a district boundary line, the entire lot shall be construed to be within the least restrictive district.
(C) Annexations. Territory hereafter annexed to the city, which is not shown on the Zoning Map as part of this chapter, shall be zoned in accordance with the land use plan. Consideration of zoning other than in accordance with the land use plan should not be done without amending the land use plan.
(Ord. 106, passed 3-13-1995)
(A) Purpose. This district is established to recognize a district that is best suited for the transition between urban and agricultural use, to prevent unplanned, non-farm development, and to permit orderly and economic development of public services and utilities.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted within the A-1 Agriculture District:
(1) Farming and truck gardening, including farm dwellings, nurseries, greenhouses, horticulture, apiaries, excluding livestock raising, livestock feedlots, and intensive poultry farming;
(2) One- and 2-family non-farm detached dwellings;
(3) Churches, public schools, and public buildings, providing that no building shall be located within 50 feet of any lot in a residential district;
(4) Home occupations, as defined in § 150.03;
(Am. Ord. passed 11-6-1996)
(5) Flood control and watershed structures;
(6) Parks, recreational areas, wildlife areas, game refuges, and forest preserves owned by governmental agencies;
(7) Golf courses, except club houses, miniature courses, and driving tees operated for commercial purposes; and
(8) Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above uses.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses are permitted if granted a conditional use permit as provided in § 150.18:
(1) Water supply buildings, reservoirs, wells, elevated tanks, and similar essential public utility and service structures;
(2) Private commercial landing fields and associated facilities;
(3) Veterinary and animal clinics and facilities for the care of animals, including kennels;
(4) Cemeteries;
(5) Golf clubhouse, country club, public swimming pool, private swimming pool serving more than 1 family, provided that no principal structure shall be located within 50 feet of any lot in a residential district; and
(6) Uses determined by the Planning Commission of similar nature to the conditional uses above and found not to be detrimental to the general health and welfare of the city.
(D) Accessory uses.
(1) Private garages and carports;
(2) Private recreation facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, and spas;
(3) Tool houses and sheds or similar storage buildings for domestic supplies; and
(4) Accessory buildings or structures which are clearly incidental to any of the uses listed above, but must be located on the same property.
(E) Height regulations. No building hereafter erected shall exceed 2-1/2 stories or 35 feet in height.
(F) Front yard regulations. For all uses allowed there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 50 feet. Where a lot is located at the intersection of 2 or more streets, then § 150.03 shall determine which of the 2 or more sides abutting streets shall be considered the front yard. No accessory buildings shall project beyond the front yard. Also, accessory buildings on corner lots shall not be erected closer to the street line than the minimum side yard requirements hereunder for the main building on the lot.
(Am. Ord. passed 1-3-2005)
(G) Side yard regulations. There shall be a side yard, on each side of a building, having a width of not less than 15 feet.
(H) Rear yard regulations. There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than 25% of the depth of the lot or 25 feet, whichever is greater.
(I) Lot area regulations. Every lot or tract of land upon which a structure is erected shall have an area of not less than 1 acre unless it is connected to municipal utilities. Except that if a lot or tract has less area or width than herein required and was legally platted and was of record at the time of the passage of this chapter, that lot may be used for any of the uses permitted in this section.
(J) Lot width and depth regulations. Every lot or plot of land on which a 1-family dwelling is erected shall have a minimum width of not less than 150 feet and a depth of not less than 200 feet. No lot shall have a depth greater than 3 times its width.
(K) General regulations. Additional regulations applicable to the A-1 Agricultural District are set forth in § 150.11.
(Ord. 106, passed 3-13-1995) Penalty, see § 150.99
(A) Purpose. The R-1 District is intended to provide low density residential areas.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in R-1 Residential District:
(1) Single-family and 2-family dwellings;
(2) Parks and recreational areas owned or operated by governmental agencies;
(3) Public schools, private schools, nursery schools, churches, hospitals, nursing and convalescent homes; and
(4) Home occupations as defined in § 150.03.
(Am. Ord. passed 11-6-1996)
(C) Conditional uses. Buildings or land may be used for the following if granted a conditional use permit:
(1) Multiple-family dwellings and apartment buildings;
(2) Municipal administration buildings, police and fire stations, museums, art galleries, post offices and other municipal service buildings;
(3) Water supply buildings, reservoirs, wells, elevated tanks, and similar essential public utility and service structures;
(4) Mortuaries and funeral homes;
(5) Boarding or rental rooms not exceeding 5 to 8 persons on a premise;
(6) Hospitals/clinics;
(7) Open land recreational uses;
(8) Uses determined by the Planning Commission to be of the general character of the conditional uses above and found not to be detrimental to the general health and welfare of the city; and
(9) Bed and breakfast establishments, if the following conditions are met.
(a) The establishment shall conform with State Health and Building Code requirements. Reports of compliance shall accompany any application for the permit. The owner/operator of such a facility shall maintain a policy of liability insurance providing at least $1,000,000 combined/single limit coverage.
(b) Written application for a conditional use permit to operate a bed and breakfast shall be made to the Zoning Administrator’s office and action on the application shall follow the procedures as found in § 150.18.
(c) The only meal served to guests shall be breakfast and only guests shall be served.
(d) No cooking or cooking facilities shall be allowed or provided in the guest rooms.
(e) No function (such as a reception or a business meeting) involving large numbers of non-guests is permitted on the site.
(f) On-premises advertising for any bed and breakfast facility located in a residential district shall conform to those regulations regarding home occupation signs.
(g) A minimum of 1 off-street parking space per guest room shall be provided in addition to 2 parking spaces for the resident. Off-street parking is to be screened from the surrounding residences.
(h) Any additional external lighting used to illuminate off-street parking shall be concealed or screened and shall be directed away from other residential properties and public rights-of-way.
(i) The conditional use permit shall be reviewed annually by the City Council and shall not be transferable to another firm or person.
(j) A license shall be terminated upon occurrence of the following:
1. Non-compliance with the provisions of this division (C)(9);
2. Transfer of ownership of the property from the owner/operator; or
3. The creation of a condition which adversely affects the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the city or its residents.
(Ord. passed 11-6-1996)
(D) Accessory uses. The following uses shall be accessory uses within the R-1 Residential District:
(1) Private garages and carports;
(2) Tool houses and storage sheds;
(3) Private outdoor swimming pools and spas, either permanent or temporary; and
(4) Parking of passenger cars, travel trailers, pleasure boats, and motor homes/buses, provided that only 2 travel trailers, pleasure boats, or motor homes, in any combination, may be stored outside a structure on the property. The parking of vehicles shall be allowed only if they are parked in such a manner so as not to cause danger by obscuring the view. Parking will not be allowed on the boulevard portion of a public street right-of-way or when it might block a public sidewalk, street, or alley. No living quarters shall be maintained and no business or other activity shall be carried on in travel trailers, boats, or motor homes/buses. Storage of a vehicle which is inoperable for longer than 14 days, outside of an enclosed building, is not permitted.
(Am. Ord. passed 1-3-2005)
(E) Height regulations.
(1) No structure hereafter erected shall exceed 2-1/2 stories or 35 feet in height, except that church spires, belfries, domes which do not contain usable space, and chimneys may be of any height which does not conflict with air traffic requirements.
(2) For multiple-family dwellings, structures shall not exceed 3 stories or 45 feet in height.
(F) Front yard regulations.
(1) There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 25 feet, except that in a block where 2 or more residences have been erected facing the same street, no new building or portion thereof shall project beyond a straight line drawn between the point closest to the street line of the residence upon either side of the proposed structure. If there are residences on only 1 side, then no new building or portion thereof shall project beyond the average front yard of the 2 nearest residences.
(2) Where a lot is located at the intersection of 2 or more roads or highways, § 150.03 shall determine which of the 2 or more sides abutting streets shall be considered the front yard. No accessory buildings shall be allowed within the required front yard.
(Am. Ord. passed 1-3-2005)
(G) Side yard regulations.
(1) Each lot shall have 2 side yards, one being not less than 10% of the lot width and the other being no less than 15% of the lot width.
(2) Side yards shall not be required for accessory buildings erected supplementary or incidental to the main building, less than 10 feet by 12 feet in size, provided that no such building shall be erected in front of a line drawn parallel to the front lot line and lying entirely to the rear of the extreme back portion of the main structure. Also, accessory buildings on corner lots shall not be erected closer to the street line than the minimum side yard requirements hereunder for the main building on the lot.
(H) Rear yard regulations.
(1) Each lot shall have an unoccupied rear yard having a depth of not less than 25% of the lot depth, except that accessory buildings such as non-attached garages and structures used for storage of non-commercial property shall be located no less than 10 feet from the property line and not less than 10 feet from an alley. Garages which are entered from an alley shall be placed at least 30 feet from the center of the alley.
(2) For multiple-family dwellings, there shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet or 25% of the lot depth, whichever is greater.
(I) Lot size regulations.
(1) Every lot on which a 1-family dwelling is erected shall contain an area of not less than 9,000 square feet and shall not be less than an average of 75 feet in width and 120 feet in depth.
(2) Every lot on which a 2-family dwelling is erected shall contain an area of not less than 12,000 square feet and an average width of not less than 100 feet in width and an average depth of not less than 120 feet in depth.
(3) Every lot on which a multiple-family dwelling is erected shall contain an area of not less than 12,000 square feet for the first 2 units plus 1,500 square feet for each additional dwelling unit.
(4) If a lot has less area, width, or depth than herein required and was legally platted and was of record at the time of passage of this chapter, that lot may be used for any of the uses permitted in this district.
(J) Maximum ground coverage. For multiple-family dwellings, not more than 35% of a lot or plot shall be occupied by buildings.
(K) Size regulation for garages. The total square footage of all non-attached garages on a lot in this district shall not exceed 8.5% of total lot area.
(L) Permit regulations. No permit for a multiple building structure may be issued unless the permit application is accompanied by a site plan. The site plan shall include topography, location of parking and loading spaces, landscaping, screening, and other information pertinent to the development of the site.
(M) General regulations. Additional regulations applicable to the R-1 Residential District are set forth in § 150.11.
(Ord. 106, passed 3-13-1995) Penalty, see § 150.99