No person shall park a semi-tractor or trailer, or any truck rated with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 10,000 pounds, in any area of the city zoned for residential use or other area designated by City Council resolution except when the vehicle is parked in a completely enclosed garage.
The following vehicles shall not be allowed to park on city streets overnight: repair, unless repair work is being performed at the address at which the vehicle is parked, delivery, rented vehicles with commercial plates and refuse and recycling haulers or any other vehicle not registered as a passenger vehicle.
Minor repairs and tune-ups, such as replacement of spark plugs, spark plug wires, thermostat, radiator or heater hoses, oil changes and brake jobs shall be permitted on city streets; provided, that they can be accomplished within the same day and completed by 10:00 p.m. All other repairs shall be considered major repairs and shall not be permitted on any city street, unless the repairs are made within an enclosed structure allowed within the zoning district. Damage to city streets because of repairs or lack of repairs shall be charged to the person responsible for the damage to the city streets.
(A) The construction, operation or maintaining a parking area, either paved or unpaved, in the front yard of any lot is prohibited in any area zoned for residential use. For the purpose of this section, front yard shall mean and include that area between the sidewalk, or street line in the event there is no sidewalk, and the front line of the principal building, extending in both directions to the side lot lines.
(B) Use of that portion of a vacant lot within 30 feet of the sidewalk lines for parking in an area zoned for residential use is prohibited.
(C) Driveways in any area zoned for residential use shall not exceed 25% of the width at the front or side lot line. Where more than 1 driveway is desired or required, they shall be at least 70 feet apart.
(D) The front part of any lot shall not be used for the parking of an automobile, truck, trailer, tractor, recreational vehicle, camper, travel trailer, camper top, tent, wagon, boat, boat trailer, storage area or motor home.
(E) No person, being the owner or having control of any building, shall violate or fail to conform to any provision of this section, or fail to obey any lawful order of an officer charged with its enforcement. Each and every day on which any person continues to violate the provisions of this section, after having been notified of the violation, shall constitute a separate offense. This conviction shall not relieve any person from thereafter complying with the provisions of this section, and shall be sufficient cause to refuse further building or land use permits to the offender until a time as the orders have been complied with.
Any police officer may order the removal of a vehicle from a street to a garage or other place of safety when the vehicle is left unattended and constitutes an obstruction to traffic or hinders snow removal, street improvements or maintenance operations. The vehicle shall not be released until the fees for towing and storage are paid in addition to any fine imposed for violation of this chapter.