(A)   Established. The Amberley Village Council established a Beautification Committee in 2004 and this committee has served the residents in an effective manner. The Committee is renamed as the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC).
   (B)   Purpose. The primary purpose of the ESC is to preserve and enhance the natural park-like heritage of Amberley Village and to improve the visual appearance of the properties in the village as well as maintain or enhance the environment in the village. This includes all trees, shrubs, gardens and streetscapes within the public areas. The ESC will also strive to provide information to residents so that they understand the most appropriate ways to maintain their properties.
   (C)   Objectives; powers and duties.
      (1)   To review, on at least an annual basis, the trees, shrubs and landscaping in all pubic areas and right-of-ways, and present suggestions for improvement including possible new plantings as well as maintenance ideas to the Amberley Village Administration.
      (2)   The Committee when requested by Council, shall consider, investigate, make findings, report and recommend upon any special matter or question regarding street or park trees.
      (3)   Oversee the village's annual application process for Tree City USA.
      (4)   Develop and present programs to village residents that will provide information to residents concerning options for property maintenance that are considered best practice in terms of maintaining an environmental balance. This will also include making resources available to residents such as information on the internet.
      (5)   Develop options that will improve the village's recycling record.
      (6)   Develop programs and projects that will enhance the tree canopy in the village, especially on public properties.
      (7)   Host the annual Arbor Day and Earth Day celebration.
      (8)   Along with Village Administration provide relevant information to residents via village newsletters.
   (D)   Membership and terms. The ESC shall consist of a minimum of seven members but could include up to 12 members as designated by the Mayor. One member of Village Council and one member from the Village Planning Commission shall be members of the ESC. The remaining members of the ESC shall be residents of the village or residents of bordering communities. The number of members from bordering communities is limited to two such persons on the Committee at any time.
      (1)   All members of the ESC shall be appointed by the Mayor.
      (2)   Members so appointed shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The term shall match the term of Council and all members of the ESC should be appointed at the same time as the Council begins its term. The Mayor may fill any vacancies on the Committee at any point during the his or her term. The Mayor shall designate one member as the chairperson of the ESC.
      (3)   All members of the ESC shall serve without compensation.
      (4)    The ESC shall meet at least six times per year with all meetings to be called by the chairperson.
      (5)   The ESC is advisory and shall have no authority to bind the village with respect to any matters.
      (6)   The ESC shall keep minutes for its meetings and make these available to the Village Clerk.
      (7)   A simple majority of the members of the ESC shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority of a quorum present at a Committee meeting is sufficient to take action on any Committee matter.
      (8)   A representative from the Village's Maintenance Department shall be designated as a point of contact for the ESC and will meet with the Committee chairperson on a regular basis to receive updates on ESC direction.
(Ord. 2004-16, passed 9-13-04; Am. Ord. 2016-11, passed 7-11-16)