(A) When a question is before Council, no motion shall be entertained unless it is:
(1) To adjourn
(2) To table
(3) For the previous question
(4) To postpone (either indefinitely or to a certain day)
(5) To refer
(6) To amend
Motions shall have precedence in the order set forth above.
(B) (1) When the consideration of a question is interrupted by an adjournment, it is removed from before Council and must be brought forward in the usual way. A motion to table shall preclude all debate or amendments. If the motion prevails, the consideration of the subject cannot be resumed, except as unfinished business, without the consent of a majority of the members present.
(2) The previous question shall be put in these words: "Shall the main question be now put?" It shall be admitted on the demand of two members, and, until decided, shall preclude all further debate, or amendment, but pending amendments shall be put before the main question. All motions to postpone may be amended as to time, but preclude debate on the main question.
(3) An indefinite postponement is equivalent to a rejection of the proposition.
(4) A motion to refer shall preclude debate or amendment of the main question. A motion to refer it to a standing committee shall have preference.
('69 Code, § 30.03)